owners manual Mercedes SLK
owners manual Mercedes SLK - year of production: 2011 - Mercedes Benz SLK R172 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SLK, year of production 2011:
286 Care
withthesepartsofthevehicle,youcouldburnCleaning the plastic trim
yourself. There is a risk of injury.GWARNING
Always be particularly careful around theCareproductsandcleaningagentscontaining
exhaust tail pipe and the tail pipe trim. Allowsolvents cause surfaces in the cockpit to
ing them. comelooseintheeventofair bag deploy-
!Donotcleantheexhaustpipewithacid-ment. There is a risk of injury.
based cleaning agents, such as bathroomDonotuseanycareproductsandcleaning
cleaner or wheel cleaner. agents to clean the cockpit.
Impurities combined with the effects of roadRstickers
andgrit and corrosive environmental factors mayRfilms
cause flash rust to form on the surface. YouRscentedoil bottles or similar items
ncecan restore the original shine of the exhaustYoucanotherwise damage the plastic.
enater and after washing. orsunscreentocomeintocontactwiththe
plastic trim. This maintains the high-quality
MaintInterior care look of the surfaces.
Cleaning the display XWipetheplastictrimwithadamp,lint-free
cloth, e.g. a microfiber cloth.
!Forcleaning,donotuseanyofthefol- XHeavysoiling: use car care and cleaning
lowing: products recommended and approved by
Ralcohol-based thinner or gasolineThesurfacemaychangecolortemporarily.
Rabrasive cleaning agents Wait until the surface is dry again.
ing agents Cleaningthesteeringwheelandgearor
Thesemaydamagethedisplaysurface.Doselector lever
not put pressure on the display surfaceXThoroughly wipe with a damp cloth or use
whencleaning. This could lead to irrepara-leather care agents that have been recom-
ble damage to the display. mendedandapprovedbyMercedes-Benz.
it is switched off and has cooled down.Cleaning genuine wood and trim ele-
cially available microfiber cloth and
TFT/LCDdisplay cleaner. !Donotusesolvent-basedcleaningagents
XDrythedisplay surface using a dry micro-such as tar remover, wheel cleaners, pol-
fiber cloth. ishes or waxes. There is otherwise a risk of
damaging the surface.
mostly made of anodized aluminum and
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year of production from: 2011
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Mercedes Benz SLK R172 owners manual
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