owners manual Mercedes SLK
owners manual Mercedes SLK - year of production: 2011 - Mercedes Benz SLK R172 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SLK, year of production 2011:
Care 283
XRinsethevehicle with clean water and dryCleaning the paintwork
thoroughly with a chamois. !Donotaffix:
paintwork. Rstickers
Whenusingthevehicle in winter, remove allRfilms
traces of road salt deposits carefully and asRmagneticplates or similar items
soon as possible. to painted surfaces. You could otherwise
Powerwashers Scratches,corrosivedeposits,areasaffected
GWARNING by corrosion and damage caused by inade-
The water jet from a circular jet nozzle (dirtquate care cannot always be completely
blasters) can cause invisible exterior damagerepaired. In such cases, visit a qualified spe-care
to the tires or chassis components. Compo-cialist workshop.
nentsdamagedinthiswaymayfailunexpect-XRemovedirtimmediately, where possible,and
edly. There is a risk of an accident.while avoiding rubbing too hard.
Donotusepowerwasherswithcircular jetXSoakinsectremainswith insect remover
nozzles to clean the vehicle. Have damagedand rinse off the treated areas afterwards.
tires or chassis components replaced imme-XSoakbirddroppings with water and rinse
diately. off the treated areas afterwards.
Always maintain a distance of at leastXRemovecoolant,brakefluid, tree resin,
! oils, fuels and greases by rubbing gentlyMaintenance
11.8in(30cm)betweenthevehicleandthewith a cloth soaked in petroleum ether or
power washer nozzle. Information aboutlighter fluid.
the correct distance is available from theXUsetarremovertoremovetarstains.
equipment manufacturer. XUsesilicone remover to remove wax.
Movethepowerwashernozzlearound If water no longer forms "beads" on the paint
whencleaning your vehicle. surface, use the paint care products recom-
Donotaimdirectly at any of the following:mendedandapprovedbyMercedes-Benz.
Rtires This is the case approximately every three to
Rdoorgaps,roofgaps, joints, etc.five months, depending on the climate con-
Relectrical components ditions and the care product used.
Rbattery If dirt has penetrated the paint surface or if
Rconnectors the paint has become dull, the paint cleaner
Rlights Benz should be used.
Rseals Donotusethesecareproductsinthesunor
Rtrim onthehoodwhilethehoodishot.
Rventilation slots XUseasuitabletouch-up stick, e.g. MB
Damagedsealsorelectrical componentsTouch-Up Stick, to repair slight damage to
can lead to leaks or failures. the paintwork quickly and provisionally.
tank recess is open while you clean it. This
can cause damage to the seals or other
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year of production from: 2011
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Mercedes Benz SLK R172 owners manual
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