owners manual Mercedes SLK
owners manual Mercedes SLK - year of production: 2011 - Mercedes Benz SLK R172 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SLK, year of production 2011:
284 Care
Mattefinish care nentsdamagedinthiswaymayfailunexpect-
!Neverpolishthevehicleorthelight alloyedly. There is a risk of an accident.
wheels. Polishing causes the finish toDonotusepowerwasherswithcircular jet
shine. nozzles to clean the vehicle. Have damaged
The following may cause the paint totires or chassis components replaced imme-
! diately.
effect: !Donotuseacidicwheelcleaningproducts
Rstrong rubbing of the paintwork withto remove brake dust. This could damage
unsuitable materials wheel bolts and brake components.
Rfrequent use of automatic car washes!Donotparkthevehicleforanextended
areRwashingthevehicle in direct sunlightperiodstraightaftercleaningit,particularly
c !Neverusepaintcleaner,buffing or pol-after having cleaned the wheels with wheel
ishing products, or gloss preserver, e.g.cleaner. Wheel cleaners could cause
andwax. These products are only suitable forincreased corrosion of the brake discs and
e high-gloss surfaces. Their use on vehiclesbrake pads/linings. For this reason, you
withmattefinishleadstoconsiderablesur-should drive for a few minutes after clean-
ancface damage (shiny, spotted areas).ing. Braking heats the brake discs and the
n brake pads/linings, thus drying them. The
Always have paintwork repairs carried outvehicle can then be parked.
at a qualified specialist workshop.
Mainte!DonotusewashprogramswithahotwaxCleaning the windows
treatment under any circumstances.GWARNING
Observe these notes if your vehicle has aYoucouldbecometrappedbythewindshield
clear matte finish. This will help you to avoidwipers if they start moving while cleaning the
damagetothepaintworkduetoincorrect windshield or wiper blades. There is a risk of
treatment. injury.
These notes also apply to light alloy wheelsAlways switch off the windshield wipers and
with a clear matte finish. the ignition before cleaning the windshield or
iThevehicleshouldpreferably be washedwiper blades.
by hand using a soft sponge, car shampooDonotusedrycloths,abrasiveproducts,
and plenty of water. !
Useonlyinsectremoverandcarshampoo solvents or cleaning agents containing sol-
i ventstocleantheinsideofthewindows.Do
from the range of recommended and not touch the insides of the windows with
approved Mercedes-Benz care products.hard objects, e.g. an ice scraper or ring.
There is otherwise a risk of damaging the
Cleaning the vehicle parts windows.
Cleaning the wheels !Cleanthewaterdrainagechannelsofthe
windshield and the rear window at regular
GWARNING intervals. Deposits such as leaves, petals
The water jet from a circular jet nozzle (dirtand pollen may under certain circumstan-
blasters) can cause invisible exterior damagecespreventwaterfromdrainingaway.This
to the tires or chassis components. Compo-canleadtocorrosiondamageanddamage
to electronic components.
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year of production from: 2011
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