owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
●The wheels of one axle are under more
extra care. Refit the normal road wheel asCAUTION
pressure (for example, driving with a trailer or
soon as possible.
The prescribed tightening torque for wheel
on steep slopes).
bolts for steel and alloy wheels is 120 Nm.
●The vehicle is fitted with snow chains.
Wheel bolts ●The temporary spare wheel is fitted.
●The wheel on one axle is changed.
Tyre monitoring indicator*
The design of wheel bolts is matched to the
rims. If different wheel rims are fitted, the
Tyre pressure adjustment
correct wheel bolts with the right length and
After modifying tyre pressure or changing any
correctly shaped bolt heads must be used.
wheels, the new tyre pressure must be stored
This ensures that wheels are fitted securely
in the Easy Connect system with the but-
and that the brake system functions correctly.
ton and the SETTINGS function button
In certain circumstances, you should not use
› page 33.
› ›
wheel bolts from a different vehicle, even if it
You can also press and hold down the
is the same model ››› page 255.
››› Fig. 241 button with the ignition on, until
an acoustic signal is heard.
If the wheel bolts are not tightened correctly,Fig. 241 Centre console: tyre monitoring sys-If the wheels are under excessive load (for ex-
em b
the wheel could become loose while driving.tutton.ample, driving with a trailer or heavy load),
Risk of accident.
the tyre pressure must be increased to the
The tyre monitoring system compares wheel
● The wheel bolts must be clean and turn recommended value for a full load (see the
revolutions alongside the wheel diameter of
easily. Never apply grease or oil to them. sticker on the back of the left front door
each wheel, with help from the ESC. If the di-
frame). If the tyre monitor system button is
● Use only wheel bolts which belong to the
ameter of a wheel changes, the tyre monitor-
pressed down, the new tyre pressures are
ing indicator lights up . The wheel diame-
● If the prescribed torque of the wheel bolts
ter changes when:
is too low, they could loosen whilst the vehi-
The tyre pressure control lamp lights up
cle is in motion. Risk of accident! If the tight-
●Tyre pressure is insufficient.
ening torque is too high, the wheel bolts and
If the tyre pressure of a wheel is much lower
●The tyre structure is damaged.
threads can be damaged.
than the value set by the driver, then the tyre
●The vehicle is unbalanced because of a
pressure control lamp ››› will light up.
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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