owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
5-22 Audio/CDplayer operation
&Toselect a track from the . Turn the “TRACK” dial counterclock-NOTE
beginning wise. . If you fast-forward to the end of the
. Press the “” button briefly.last track, fast-forwarding will stop and
NOTE the player will start playback beginning
“TRACK” dial (type with the first track. For an MP3, WMA or
A, B, C and D audio) With an MP3, WMA or AAC: AAC folder, the player will start play-
. Skipping past the last track will takeback beginning with the first track of
you back to the first track in the folder.the next folder.
. Skippingpastthefirst track will take. If you rewind to the beginning of the
“TRACK” dial (type you to the last track in the folder.first track, rewinding will stop and the
Eaudio) player will start playback. For an MP3,
&Fast-forwarding and rewind-WMAorAACfolder,theplayerwillstart
ing playback beginning with the first track
Skip to the begin- of the current folder.
ning of the next
Skip to the begin-
ning of the current “RPT” button
Useeither of the following methods to skipRewinding To repeat a track, briefly press the “RPT”
to the beginning of the next track. Each button while the track is playing.
time, the indicated track number will Eachtimeyoubriefly press the button, the
increase. Press and hold the “” button to fast-mode will change in the following se-
. Turn the “TRACK” dial clockwise.forward the track. Release the button toquences.
. Press the “” button briefly.stop fast-forwarding.
Press and hold the “” button to rewind
Useeither of the following methods to skipthe track. Release the button to stop
to the beginning of the current track. Eachrewinding.
time, the indicated track number will

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year of production from: 2012

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