owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
Audio/Satellite radio operation5-19
Satellite radio operation (ifselected as the source. ! Category selection
equipped) Turn the “TUNE/TRACK/CH” dial to select
the satellite radio channel.
&Satellite radio reception “PTY/CAT” button
Satellite radio signals are best received in&Bandselection
areas with a clear view of the open sky. In To activate the category search mode,
areas where there are tall buildings, trees, press the “PTY/CAT” button. To deactivate
tunnels or other structures that may “XM” button the category search mode, press the
obstruct the signal of the satellites, there “PTY/CAT” button again.
maybesignal interruptions. Other circum-Pushthe“XM”buttonwhentheradioisoffWheninthecategory search mode, press
stances that may result in signal lossto turn on the radio.the following button to change the cate-
include driving near a wall, steep cliff, hillPushthe“XM”buttonwhentheradioisongory up or down.
or driving on the lower level of a multi-to select XM1, XM2 or XM3 reception
tiered road or inside of a parking garage.mode. Category up by one
To help reduce this condition, satellite step
radio providers have installed ground-&Channel and category selec-Category down by
based repeaters in heavily populatedtion one step
areas. However, you may still experience When a category is selected, turning the
reception problems in some areas.! Channel selection “TUNE/TRACK/CH” dial selects channels
only within the selected category.
&Displaying satellite radio ID The control function returns to the normal
of tuner “CH” dial mode after approximately 8 seconds.
When you activate satellite radio, you ! Channel scan
should have your satellite radio tuner ID
ready because each tuner is identified byTurn the “CH” dial clockwise to select the
its unique satellite radio tuner ID.next channel and turn the “CH” dial“SCAN” button
The satellite radio ID will be needed whencounterclockwise to select the previous
you activate satellite radio and receivechannel. Press the “SCAN” button to change the
satellite radio customer support. radio to the SCAN mode. In this mode,
The satellite radio ID can be found on the under the selected category, the radio
audio display when satellite radio is

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year of production from: 2012

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