owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
Audio/CD player operation5-25
&Folder selection &Whenthefollowing mes- remains displayed, please contact your
sages are displayed SUBARUdealer.
Only MP3/WMA/AAC folders are recog-Ifone of the following messages is
nized when an attempt to select thedisplayed while operating the CD player,
next or previous folder is made. If nodetermine the cause based on the follow-
appropriate folder exists on the disc,ing information. If you cannot clear those
pressing the “” or “” side of themessages, please contact your SUBARU
“FOLDER” button starts playback be-dealer.
ginning with the first track.! When“PUSHEJECT”isdisplayed
Press the following buttons briefly.Press thebutton to eject the disc.
Check the disc for damage or deforma-
To select the next tion, and also check that the correct disc is
folder inserted. Do not try to eject the disc
To go back to the forcibly. Mini CDs (e.g., 8 cm/3 inch CDs)
previous folder are not supported, and if inserted, they will
be immediately ejected and this message
&Howtoeject a CD from the will be displayed. If the disc cannot be
player ejected or this message remains dis-
Whenadiscisbeingplayedbackorwhenplayed, please contact your SUBARU
a disc is in the player, press thedealer.
button. The disc will be ejected.! When“CHECKDISC”isdisplayed
NOTE Press the button to eject the disc.
Check that the disc is not damaged or
. Avoid driving the vehicle with a CDscratched, and also check that the disc is
sticking out. The CD may fall out due toinserted correctly. This message may
vibration. appear when using some CD-RW discs.
. If you do not remove the ejectedCheckthat the disc type (e.g., 8 cm/3 inch
disc within approximately 15 seconds,CDs are not supported) and data format
a disc protection function will operate,are correct. This player can only play
automatically reloading the disc. In thisMP3, WMA and AAC data formats. If the
case, the disc is not played.disc cannot be ejected or this message

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year of production from: 2012

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Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual
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