owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
5-16 Audio/FM/AM radio operation
For more information, visit www.hdradio.2. Turn the “TUNE” dial and select the ! About HD Radio Technology
com. HDRadioONmode(hybridmode)orOFF NOTE
mode (analog mode). . HD Radio Technology is a hybrid
® broadcasting system that employs di-
“HD/TAG” button ! iTunes tagging gital and analog signals.
To tag the received song, press and hold. Whenthevehiclemovesoutsidethe
® digital broadcasting area (that is nar-
the “HD/TAG” button. Connect an iPod to
® rower than the analog broadcasting
Pressthe“HD/TAG”buttonwhilereceiving store the tagged song to the iPod . When
the iPod® is connected to iTunes®, you area due to the FCC output require-
FM radio (except an analog broadcast). can purchase the tagged songs from the ments), the radio reception automati-
The next channel of the station that is Apple® iTunes Music Store. cally changes from the digital signal to
being received will play. ® the analog signal. When the vehicle
For the models of iPod that support
! Modeselection iTunes® tagging, refer to the following reenters the digital broadcasting area,
website: www.hdradio.com/tagging.php? the radio reception automatically
id=itunes. changes from the analog signal to the
“MENU” button ! HDRadioindicators digital signal. When in a digital mode
the Logo will be in orange on the
Each indicator illuminates under the fol-radio display.
lowing conditions. . Depending on the broadcasting sta-
1. Press the “MENU” button to select the. The “HD” indicator flashes while a tion, a condition such as a sound delay,
HDRadio setting mode. digital broadcast is received during theecho effect or skipping sound may
“TUNE” dial: HDRadio ON mode. occur. However, this does not indicate
. The “TAG” indicator illuminates when a malfunction.
you can operate the iTunes® tagging. . Depending on the broadcasting
. The “LIVE” indicator illuminates when area, the digital signal may not be
Type B audio receiving a live broadcast, such as a ballreceived in an area where the analog
game. signal can be properly received, or the
. The “ST” indicator illuminates when ansystem frequently switches the chan-
FMstereo broadcast is received. nels between the digital and analog
Type E audio . The “PTY” indicator illuminates duringsignals. However, this does not indi-
the PTY selection mode. cate a malfunction. If this frequent
switching between digital and analog

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