owners manual Mitsubishi ASX
owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Locking and unlocking
IП thО UNLOCK sаitch (2) is prОssОН anН no ThО rОmotО control sаitch аill opОratО аith-
l Operation of the outside rear-view mir- l
Нoor or tailgatО is opОnОН аithin approбimatО- in approбimatОlв 4 m Пrom thО vОhiclО. Hoа-
rors (Vehicles equipped with mirror re-
lв 30 sОconНs, rОlocking аill automaticallв ОvОr, thО opОrating rangО oП thО rОmotО con-
tractor switch)
occur. trol sаitch maв changО iП thО vОhiclО is loca-
It is possiblО to moНiПв Пunctions as Пolloаs: tОН nОar a poаОr station, or raНio/TV broaН-
For ПurthОr inПormation, plОasО contact вour casting station.
To fold
MITSUBISHI MOTORS AuthorizОН SОrvicО IП ОithОr oП thО Пolloаing problОms occurs,
Within 30 sОconНs oП locking thО Нoors anН tailgatО
Point. thО battОrв maв bО ОбhaustОН.
using thО LOCK sаitch (1), prОss thО LOCK
On vОhiclОs ОquippОН аith MITSUBISHI • ThО rОmotО control sаitch is opОratОН at
sаitch tаicО rapiНlв to ПolН thО outsiНО rОar-viОа 1
Multi-Communication SвstОm (MMCS), thО corrОct НistancО Пrom thО vОhiclО, but
scrООn opОrations can bО usОН to makО thО aН- thО Нoors anН tailgatО arО not lockОН/un-
justmОnt. RОПОr to thО sОparatО oаnОr’s man- lockОН in rОsponsО.
To extend
ual Пor НОtails. • ThО inНication lamp (3) is Нim or НoОs
Within 30 sОconНs oП unlocking thО Нoors anН tail-
• ThО timО Пor automatic rОlocking can bО not comО on.
gatО using thО UNLOCK sаitch (2), prОss thО UN-
LOCK sаitch tаicО rapiНlв to rОturn thО outsiНО
• ThО conПirmation Пunction (Пlashing oП For ПurthОr inПormation, plОasО contact
rОar-viОа mirrors to thОir ОбtОnНОН positions.
thО turn-signal lamps) can bО sОt to opОr- вour MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author-
atО onlв аhОn thО Нoors anН backНoor arО izОН SОrvicО Point.
ThО outsiНО rОar-viОа mirrors arО not initiallв sОt
lockОН or onlв аhОn thО Нoors anН back- IП вou rОplacО thО battОrв вoursОlП, rОПОr
to аork as НОscribОН abovО. IП вou аant thОm to
Нoor arО unlockОН. to “ProcОНurО Пor rОplacing thО rОmotО
аork as НОscribОН abovО, вou nООН to sОt thОm so
• ThО conПirmation Пunction (this inНicatОs control sаitch battОrв” on pagО 1-06.
that thОв Нo not rОtract/ОбtОnН аhОn thО Нoors anН
locking or unlocking oП thО Нoors anН tail- IП вour rОmotО control sаitch is lost or Нam-
tailgatО arО lockОН/unlockОН using thО kОвlОss Оn-l
gatО аith thО Пlash oП thО turn-signal agОН, plОasО contact вour MITSUBISHI
trв sвstОm or kОвlОss opОration sвstОm.
lamps) can bО НОactivatОН. MOTORS AuthorizОН SОrvicО Point Пor a rО-
RОПОr to “Starting anН Нriving: OutsiНО rОar-viОа
• ThО numbОr oП timОs thО turn-signal placОmОnt rОmotО control sаitch.
mirrors” on pagО 4-09.
lamps arО ПlashОН bв thО conПirmation IП вou аish to aНН a rОmotО control sаitch,
For НОtails, plОasО consult a MITSUBISHI l
Пunction can bО changОН. аО rОcommОnН вou to contact a
MOTORS AuthorizОН SОrvicО Point.
In a vОhiclО ОquippОН аith thО MITSUBISHI Mul-
Operation of the Dead Lock System ti-Communication SвstОm (MMCS), it is possiblО
A maбimum oП 8 rОmotО control sаitchОs arО
In a vОhiclО that has a DОaН Lock SвstОm, it is pos-to changО thО sОtting bв mОans oП scrООn opОrations.
availablО Пor вour vОhiclО.
siblО to sОt thО DОaН Lock SвstОm using thО rОmotОRОПОr to thО sОparatО oаnОr’s manual Пor НОtails.
(RОПОr to “DОaН Lock SвstОm” on pagО 1-23.)
Setting of door and tailgate unlock
function (Except for vehicles equipped
ThО kОвlОss Оntrв sвstОm НoОs not opОratО in
thО Пolloаing conНitions: with a Dead Lock System)
• ThО kОв is lОПt in thО ignition sаitch.
ThО Нoor anН tailgatО unlock Пunction can bО sОt to
• ThО Нoor or tailgatО is opОn.
thО Пolloаing tаo conНitions.
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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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