owners manual Mitsubishi ASX
owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN
pdf (8.53 MB) 368 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Locking and unlocking
Paв attОntion to thО Пolloаing iП thО sОcuritв IП thО ОnginО НoОs not start, аО rОcom-
Electronic immobilizer (Anti-
alarm is sОt to “ActivО”. mОnН вou to contact вour MITSUBISHI
theft starting system)
RОПОr to “SОcuritв alarm sвstОm” on pagО MOTORS AuthorizОН SОrvicО Point.
[For vОhiclОs ОquippОН аith kОвlОss opОration sвs-
• IП thО sОcuritв alarm is in thО sвstОm
armОН moНО, thО alarm аill sounН iП thО
For inПormation on opОrations Пor vОhiclОs Оquip-
Нoors arО opОnОН aПtОr bОing unlockОН
pОН аith thО kОвlОss opОration sвstОm, rОПОr to
аith thО kОв, thО insiНО lock knob or thО
“KОвlОss opОration sвstОm: ElОctronic immobilizОr
cОntral Нoor lock sаitch.
(Anti-thОПt starting sвstОm)” on pagО 1-11.
• EvОn iП thО sОcuritв alarm is sОt to “Ac-
[EбcОpt Пor vОhiclОs ОquippОН аith kОвlОss opОra-
tivО”, thО sвstОm prОparation moНО is not
tion sвstОm]
ОntОrОН iП thО kОвlОss Оntrв sвstОm or thО
ThО ОlОctronic immobilizОr is НОsignОН to signiПi-
kОвlОss opОration Пunction аas not usОН
cantlв rОНucО thО possibilitв oП vОhiclО thОПt. ThО
to lock thО vОhiclО.
purposО oП thО sвstОm is to immobilizО thО vОhiclО
iП an invaliН start is attОmptОН. A valiН start attОmpt
can onlв bО achiОvОН bв using a kОв “rОgistОrОН” to
thО immobilizОr sвstОm.
In thО Пolloаing casОs, thО vОhiclО maв not
bО ablО to rОcОivО thО rОgistОrОН ID coНО
Пrom thО rОgistОrОН kОв anН thО ОnginО maв
not start.
• WhОn thО kОв contacts a kОв ring or othОr
mОtallic or magnОtic objОct (TвpО A)
• WhОn thО kОв grip contacts mОtal oП an-
othОr kОв (TвpО B)
• WhОn thО kОв contacts or is closО to othОr
immobilizing kОвs (incluНing kОвs oП oth-
Оr vОhiclОs) (TвpО C)
In casОs likО thОsО, rОmovО thО objОct or
aННitional kОв Пrom thО vОhiclО kОв. ThОn
trв again to start thО ОnginО.
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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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