owners manual Mitsubishi ASX
owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Locking and unlocking
ThО startОr motor аill bО turning Пor up to ap-Starting the engine (petrol-powered vehicles)
proбimatОlв 15 sОconНs iП thО ОnginО sаitch
WhОn thО Пolloаing opОration is pОrПormОН
ThО starting procОНurО is as Пolloаs:
is rОlОasОН at oncО. PrОssing thО ОnginО
аith thО opОration moНО in OFF, thО stООring
1. FastОn thО sОat bОlt.
sаitch again аhilО thО startОr motor is still
аhООl is lockОН.
2. MakО surО thО parking brakО is appliОН.
turning аill stop thО startОr motor. ThО start-
• OpОn or closО onО oП thО Нoors (ОбcОpt
3. DОprОss anН holН thО brakО pОНal.
Оr motor аill bО turning Пor up to approбi-
thО tailgatО).
4. Fullв НОprОss thО clutch pОНal (M/T).
matОlв 30 sОconНs аhilО thО ОnginО sаitch is
• Lock all Нoors anН thО tailgatО аith thО
kОвlОss Оntrв sвstОm or thО kОвlОss opОra-
IП thО ОnginО НoОs not start, аait Пor a аhilОNOTE
tion Пunction. 1
anН thОn attОmpt to start thО ОnginО again. Trв-On vОhiclОs аith thО Auto Stop & Go
WhОn thО stООring аhООl НoОs not unlock, l
ing rОpОatОНlв аith thО startОr motor still run-(AS&G) sвstОm, thО startОr аill not opОratО
thО аarning аill bО НisplaвОН on thО inПorma-
ning аill НamagО thО startОr mОchanism. unlОss thО clutch pОНal is Пullв НОprОssОН
tion scrООn in thО multi-inПormation Нisplaв.
[DiОsОl-poаОrОН vОhiclОs] (Clutch intОrlock).
PrОss thО ОnginО sаitch again аhilО moving l
WhilО thО vОhiclО is stationarв аith thО
thО stООring аhООl slightlв.
clutch pОНal Пullв НОprОssОН, thО ОnginО rОvo-
5. On vОhiclОs ОquippОН аith M/T, placО thО
lutions Нo not risО to ovОr 3,000 rpm in orНОr
gОarshiПt lОvОr in thО “N” (NОutral) position.
to protОct thО ОnginО ОvОn iП thО accОlОrator
On vОhiclОs ОquippОН аith CVT, makО surО
pОНal is НОprОssОН.
thО sОlОctor lОvОr is in thО “P” (PARK) posi-
VОhiclОs аith M/T VОhiclОs аith CVT
Never run the engine in a closed or poor-
Starting and stopping the engine ly ventilated area any longer than is nee-
ded to move your vehicle in or out of the
area. Carbon monoxide gases are odour-
Tips for starting
less and can be fatal.
ThО opОration moНО can bО in anв moНО to
start thО ОnginО.
Never attempt to start the engine by push-
ing or pulling the vehicle.
Do not run the engine at high rpm or
drive the vehicle at high speed until the en-
gine has had a chance to warm up.
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year of production from: 2010
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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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