owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
NOTE • Seat belts should be adjusted as firmly assion should be replaced unless the collision
The front passenger seat belt warning will notpossible, consistent with comfort to providewasminorandthebeltsshownodamageand
light up if the seat is unoccupied.the protection for which they have been de-continuetooperateproperly.Seatbeltassem-
signed. A slack belt will greatly reduce theblies not in use during a collision should also
PRECAUTIONSONSEATBELT protection afforded to the wearer.be inspected and replaced if either damage
USAGE • Careshould be taken to avoid contaminationor improper operation is noted.
Yourchancesofbeinginjuredinanaccidentand/orof the webbing with polishes, oils and chemi-• Oncethepre-tensionerseatbelthasbeenac-
the severity of injury may be greatly reduced if youcals, and particularly battery acid. Cleaningtivated, it cannot be re-used. It must be re-
are wearing your seat belt and it is properly ad-maysafelybecarriedoutusingmildsoapandplaced together with the retractor. See a
justed. NISSAN strongly encourages you and all ofwater. The belt should be replaced if webbingNISSANdealer or qualified workshop.
your passengers to buckle up every time you drive,becomesfrayed, contaminated or damaged.• Removal and installation of the pre-tensioner
even if your seating position is equipped with an air• It is essential to replace the entire assemblyseatbeltsystemcomponentsshouldbedone
bag. after it has been worn in a severe impact evenby a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop
if damage to the assembly is not obvious.ONLY.
WARNING • Belts should not be worn with straps twisted.• If the seat belt warning light glows continu-
Besuretoobserve the following warnings when• Eachseatbeltassemblymustonlybeusedbyously while the ignition switch is in the ON
using seat belts. Failure to do so could increaseone occupant; it is dangerous to put a beltposition, all doors are closed and seat belts
the chance and/or severity of injury in an acci-aroundachildbeingcarriedontheoccupant’sis/are fastened, it may indicate a malfunction
dent. lap. in the system. Have the system checked by a
• Seatbeltsaredesignedtobearuponthebony NISSANdealer or qualified workshop.
structureofthebody,andshouldbewornlow• Every occupant in this vehicle should wear a• Always route the shoulder belt over your
across the front of the pelvis or the pelvis,seat belt at all times.shoulder and across your chest. Never run
chest and shoulders, as applicable; wearing• Your vehicle has seating positions and seatthe belt under your arm. Serious injury can
the lap section of the belt across the abdomi-beltsforfive(5)occupants;two(2)inthefrontoccur if the seat belt is not worn properly.
nal area must be avoided. Serious injury canseats and three (3) in the rear. Never carry• Position the lap belt as low as possible
occur if the seat belt is not worn properly.morepeopleinthevehiclethanthereareseatAROUNDTHEHIPS,NOTTHEWAIST.
• Nomodificationsoradditionsshouldbemadebelts.
by the user which will either prevent the seat• All seat belt assemblies, including retractors
belt adjusting devices from operating to re-andattaching hardware, should be inspected
moveslack,orpreventtheseatbeltassemblyby a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop af-
from being adjusted to remove slack.ter any collision. NISSAN recommends that
all seat belt assemblies in use during a colli-
1-6Safety — seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

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year of production from: 2006

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