owners manual Mitsubishi L200
owners manual Mitsubishi L200 - year of production: 2006 - Mitsubishi L200 IV manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi L200, year of production 2006:
For pleasant driving
4. Saв “Pairing options.” ThО pairing coНО ОntОrОН hОrО is onlв usОН
5. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “SОlОct onО oП thО
Pairing is rОquirОН onlв аhОn thО НОvicО is Пor thО BluОtooth connОction cОrtiПication.
Пolloаing: pair, ОНit, НОlОtО, or list.” Saв
usОН Пor thО Пirst timО. OncО thО НОvicО has It is anв 4-Нigit numbОr thО usОr аoulН likО
® “Pair.”
to sОlОct.
bООn pairОН аith thО BluОtooth 2.0 intОr-
RОmОmbОr thО pairing coНО as it nООНs to bО
ПacО, вou onlв nООН to bring thО НОvicО into
thО vОhiclО nОбt timО anН thО НОvicО аill au-NOTE kОвОН into thО BluОtooth НОvicО latОr in thО
® pairing procОss.
IП 7 НОvicОs havО alrОaНв bООn pairОН, thО
tomaticallв connОct to thО BluОtooth 2.0 in-l
voicО guiНО аill saв “Maбimum НОvicОsDОpОnНing on thО connОction sОttings oП thО
tОrПacО (iП supportОН bв thО НОvicО).
pairОН” anН thОn thО sвstОm аill ОnН thО pair-BluОtooth НОvicО, this coНО maв havО to bО
ing procОss. To rОgistОr a nОа НОvicО, НОlОtООntОrОН Оach timО вou connОct thО BluО-
Up to 7 BluОtooth НОvicОs can bО pairОН аith thО
® ®
onО НОvicО anН thОn rОpОat thО pairing procОss.
tooth НОvicО to thО BluОtooth 2.0 intОr-
BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО.
(RОПОr to “DОlОting a НОvicО” on pagО 5-57.)
ПacО. For thО НОПault connОction sОttings, rО-
IП multiplО pairОН BluОtooth НОvicОs arО availablО
ПОr to thО instructions Пor thО НОvicО.
in thО vОhiclО, thО cОllular phonО or music plaвОr
6. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “PlОasО saв a 4-Нig-
most rОcОntlв connОctОН is automaticallв connОctОН
it pairing coНО.” Saв a 4-Нigit numbОr.
7. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “Start pairing procО-
to thО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО.
WhОn thО conПirmation Пunction is on, thО sвs-
НurО on thО НОvicО. SОО thО НОvicО manual
tОm аill conПirm аhОthОr thО numbОr saiН is ®
Пor instructions.” EntОr in thО BluОtooth НО-
You can also changО a BluОtooth НОvicО to bО con-
accОptablО. AnsаОr “YОs.”
vicО thО 4-Нigit numbОr вou havО rОgistОrОН
AnsаОr “No” to rОturn to pairing coНО sОlОc-
in StОp 6.
To pair
® ® NOTE
To pair a BluОtooth НОvicО аith thО BluОtooth
AccorНing to thО corrОsponНing НОvicО to
2.0 intОrПacО, Пolloа thО stОps bОloа. l
5 SomО BluОtooth НОvicОs rОquirО a spОciПic ®
BluОtooth , it might takО a ПОа minutОs to
1. Stop вour vОhiclО in a saПО arОa, put thО gОar-
pairing coНО. ®
shiПt lОvОr in thО “N” (NОutral) position pair thО BluОtooth НОvicО аith thО BluО-
PlОasО rОПОr to thО НОvicО manual Пor pairing
(M/T), or thО sОlОctor lОvОr in thО “P” tooth 2.0 intОrПacО.
coНО rОquirОmОnts.
(PARK) position (A/T), anН pull thО parking
lIП thО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО cannot rОcog-
brakО lОvОr. ®
nizО thО BluОtooth НОvicО, thО voicО guiНО
аill saв “Pairing has timОН out” anН thО pair-
NOTE ing procОss аill bО cancОllОН.
You cannot pair BluОtooth НОvicОs аith thО ConПirm that thО НОvicО вou arО pairing sup-
® ®
BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО unlОss thО vОhiclО is ports BluОtooth , anН trв pairing it again.
® IП вou ОntОr thО аrong numbОr, thО voicО
parkОН. BОПorО pairing a BluОtooth НОvicО l
® guiНО аill saв “Pairing ПailОН” anН thО pair-
аith thО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО, conПirm
ing procОss аill bО cancОllОН. ConПirm thО
that thО vОhiclО is parkОН in a saПО location.
numbОr is right, anН trв pairing it again.
2. PrОss thО SPEECH button.
3. Saв “SОtup”.
5-56 OCRE12E1

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year of production from: 2006

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Mitsubishi L200 IV manual
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