text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi L200, year of production 2006:
For pleasant driving
IП this button is prОssОН in thО voicО rОcogni- Changing thО languagО НОlОtОs thО mobilО
l NOTE l
tion moНО, thО voicО rОcognition moНО аill
IП thО voicО commanН that вou saв НiППОrsphonО book importОН to thО BluОtooth 2.0
bО НОactivatОН.
Пrom thО prОНОПinОН commanН or cannot bО intОrПacО. IП вou аish to usО it, вou аill havО
rОcognisОН НuО to ambiОnt noisО or somО oth- to import it again.
NOTE Оr rОason, thО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО аill
ask вou Пor thО voicО commanН again up to 36. WhОn thО voicО guiНО saвs “English (FrОnch,
WhОn вou prОss thО SPEECH button to ОntОr
timОs. Spanish, Italian, GОrman, Dutch, PortuguОsО
voicО rОcognition moНО аith a cОllular phonО
For bОst pОrПormancО anН ПurthОr rОНuction or Russian) sОlОctОН,” thО languagО changО
pairОН to thО sвstОm, currОnt inПormation onl
oП ambiОnt noisО, thО vОhiclО аinНoаs procОss аill bО complОtОН anН thО sвstОm
thО cОllular phonО, such as “rОmaining bat-
shoulН bО closОН аhilО Оngaging thО voicО rОc-аill rОturn to thО main mОnu.
tОrв liПО,” “signal strОngth” or “roaming,”
ognition Пunction.
аill bО НisplaвОН on thО auНio Нisplaв.*
DОpОnНing on thО sОlОctОН languagО, somО
*: SomО cОllular phonОs аill not sОnН this in-l
Useful voice commands
® Пunctions maв not bО availablО.
Пormation to thО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО. E00760000019
Call аaiting anН thrОО-аaв calls can bО usОН Help function
® Selecting the Language E00760100010
bв thО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО, onlв iП it is
1. PrОss thО SPEECH button. ThО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО is ОquippОН аith a
possiblО to usО thosО sОrvicОs аith вour cОllu-
2. Saв “SОtup”. hОlp Пunction. IП вou saв “HОlp” аhОn thО sвstОm
lar phonО.
3. Saв “LanguagО.” is аaiting Пor a voicО commanН input, thО sвstОm
4. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “SОlОct a languagО:аill tОll вou a list oП thО commanНs that can bО
Voice recognition function
English, FrОnch, Spanish, Italian, GОrman,usОН unНОr thО circumstancОs.
Dutch, PortuguОsО or Russian” Saв thО НО-
ThО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО is ОquippОН аith a
sirОН languagО. (EбamplО: Saв “English.”)
voicО rОcognition Пunction. E00760200011
5. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “English (FrОnch,
ThОrО arО tаo cancОl Пunctions. 5
Simplв saв voicО commanНs anН вou can pОrПorm
Spanish, Italian, GОrman, Dutch, PortuguОsО
various opОrations anН makО or rОcОivО hanНs-ПrОО IП вou arО at thО main mОnu, saв “CancОl” to Обit
or Russian) sОlОctОН. Is this corrОct?” Saв
calls. Пrom thО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО.
With thО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО, voicО rОcogni- IП вou arО anваhОrО ОlsО аithin thО sвstОm, saв
AnsаОr “No” to rОturn to StОp 4.
tion is possiblО Пor English, FrОnch, Spanish, Ital- “CancОl” to rОturn to thО main mОnu.
ian, GОrman, Dutch, PortuguОsО anН Russian. ThО
Confirmation function setting
Пactorв sОtting is English.
ThО voicО guiНО аill rОpОat thО samО mОs- E00760400013
ThО BluОtooth
sagО tаicО. ThО Пirst mОssagО is in thО cur- 2.0 intОrПacО is ОquippОН аith a con-
rОnt languagО, anН thО sОconН mОssagО is inПirmation Пunction.
thО sОlОctОН languagО. With thО conПirmation Пunction activatОН, вou arО
IП manв ОntriОs arО rОgistОrОН in thО vОhiclОgivОn morО opportunitiОs than normal to conПirm a
phonО book, changing thО languagО аill takОcommanН аhОn making various sОttings to thО BluО-
longОr. tooth 2.0 intОrПacО. This alloаs вou to НОcrОasО
thО possibilitв that a sОtting is acciНОntallв changОН.
ThО conПirmation Пunction can bО turnОН on or oПП
bв Пolloаing thО stОps bОloа.
OCRE12E1 5-53
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