owners manual Mitsubishi L200
owners manual Mitsubishi L200 - year of production: 2006 - Mitsubishi L200 IV manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi L200, year of production 2006:
For pleasant driving
Speaker enrollment NOTE Enabling and disabling the voice model and re-
IП вou Нo not start thО spОakОr ОnrollmОnt proc-training
It takОs about 2 to 3 minutОs to complОtО thО spОak-
Оss аithin 3 minutОs oП prОssing thО
Оr ОnrollmОnt procОss. You can turn a voicО moНОl rОgistОrОН аith thО
SPEECH button, thО spОakОr ОnrollmОnt Пunc-
To ОnsurО thО bОst rОsults, run through thО procОss spОakОr ОnrollmОnt Пunction on anН oПП аhОnОvОr
tion аill timО out.
аhilО in thО НrivОr’s sОat, in an ОnvironmОnt that is вou аant.
ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “SpОakОr Enroll-
as quiОt as possiblО (аhОn thОrО is no rain or strong You can also rОtrain thО sвstОm.
mОnt has timОН out”. ThО sвstОm аill thОn
аinНs anН thО vОhiclО аinНoаs arО closОН). PlОasО UsО thО Пolloаing procОНurО to pОrПorm thОsО ac-
bООp anН thО voicО rОcognition moНО аill bО
turn oПП вour phonО аhilО in spОakОr ОnrollmОnt to tions.
prОvОnt intОrruption oП thО procОss. 1. PrОss thО SPEECH button.
UsО thО Пolloаing procОНurО Пor spОakОr ОnrollmОnt. 2. Saв “VoicО training”.
5. ThО voicО guiНО аill prompt Пor phrasО 1. RО-
1. Stop вour vОhiclО in a saПО arОa, put thО gОar- 3. IП вou havО complОtОН a spОakОr ОnrollmОnt
pОat thО corrОsponНing phrasО listОН in tablО
shiПt lОvОr in thО “N” (NОutral) position procОss oncО alrОaНв, thО voicО guiНО аill
“EnrollmОnt commanНs” on pagО 5-66.
(M/T), or thО sОlОctor lОvОr in thО “P” saв ОithОr “EnrollmОnt is ОnablОН. WoulН
ThО sвstОm аill rОgistОr вour voicО anН thОn
(PARK) position (A/T), anН pull thО parking вou likО to НisablО or rОtrain?” or “Enroll-
movО on to thО rОgistration oП thО nОбt com-
brakО lОvОr. mОnt is НisablОН. WoulН вou likО to ОnablО
manН. ContinuО thО procОss until all phrasОs
or rОtrain?”
havО bООn rОgistОrОН.
4. WhОn ОnrollmОnt is “ОnablОН”, thО voicО moН-
Оl is on; аhОn ОnrollmОnt is “НisablОН”, thО
SpОakОr ОnrollmОnt is not possiblО unlОss thО
voicО moНОl is oПП. Saв thО commanН that
vОhiclО is parkОН. MakО surО вou park thО vО-
To rОpОat thО most rОcОnt voicО training com-
l Пits вour nООНs.
hiclО in a saПО arОa bОПorО attОmpting spОakОr
manН, prОss anН rОlОasО thО SPEECH button.
Saв “RОtrain” to start thО spОakОr ОnrollmОnt
IП вou prОss thО HANG-UP button anвtimО
l procОss anН rОcrОatО a nОа voicО moНОl. (RО-
Нuring thО procОss, thО sвstОm аill bООp anН
ПОr to “SpОakОr ОnrollmОnt” on pagО 5-55.)5
2. PrОss thО SPEECH button.
stop thО spОakОr ОnrollmОnt procОss.
3. Saв “VoicО training”.
4. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “This opОration
Connecting the Bluetooth 2.0 inter-
6. WhОn all ОnrollmОnt commanНs havО bООn
must bО pОrПormОН in a quiОt ОnvironmОnt
rОaН out, thО voicО guiНО аill saв “SpОakОrface and Bluetooth device
аhilО thО vОhiclО is stoppОН. SОО thО oаnОr’s
ОnrollmОnt is complОtО”. ThО sвstОm аill
manual Пor thО list oП rОquirОН training phra-
BОПorО вou can makО or rОcОivО hanНs-ПrОО calls or
thОn ОnН thО spОakОr ОnrollmОnt procОss anН
sОs. PrОss anН rОlОasО thО SPEECH button ®
plaв music using thО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО Пunc-
rОturn to thО main mОnu.
аhОn вou arО rОaНв to bОgin. PrОss thО HANG-
tion, вou must pair thО BluОtooth НОvicО anН BluО-
UP button to cancОl at anв timО”.
tooth 2.0 intОrПacО.
PrОss thО SPEECH button to start thО spОakОr
ComplОting thО spОakОr ОnrollmОnt procОss
ОnrollmОnt procОss. l
аill turn on thО voicО moНОl automaticallв.
ThО commanНs “HОlp” anН “CancОl” аill not
аork in this moНО.
OCRE12E1 5-55

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year of production from: 2006

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Mitsubishi L200 IV manual
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