owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
224 Driving systems
Object detection Whenyouchangebetweentransmissionposi-
The rear view camera can detect moving andtions D and R, you see the previously selected
stationary objects. If, for example, a pedestrianfront or rear view.
oranothervehicleisdetected,theseobjectsareDistances measured by PARKTRONIC will also
markedwithbars. The system is only able tobe optically displayed:
detect and mark stationary objects when yourRinsplit screen view as red or yellow brackets
ingvehicle is moving. When the vehicle is station-around the vehicle icon in the top view, or
k ary, moving objects can be detected andRatthebottomrightasredoryellowbrackets
parmarked. aroundthevehiclesymbolinfull-screenmode
Toensurethatyoucanusethefunction,itmustThe line thickness and color of the brackets
andbe switched on in the multimedia system (seeshowhowfarthevehicle is from an object.
the separate operating instructions).Ryellowbracketswiththin lines: PARKTRONIC
is active
iving360°camera(surroundview) Ryellowbracketswithnormallines:anobjectis
Dr present in close range of the vehicle
General notes Rredline:anobjectispresentintheimmediate
close range of the vehicle
cameras. Important safety notes
The system processes images from the follow-The360°cameraisonlyanaidandmayshowa
ing cameras: distorted view of obstacles, show them incor-
RRearviewcamera rectly or not at all. The 360°camera is not a
RFrontcamera substitute for attentive driving.
RTwosidecamerasintheexteriormirrorsYouarealwaysresponsible for safe maneuver-
The cameras capture the immediate surround-ing and parking. When maneuvering or parking,
ings of the vehicle. The 360° camera assistsmakesurethattherearenopersons,animalsor
you, for instance when parking or at exits withobjects in the area in which you are maneuver-
reduced visibility. ing.
full-screen mode or in six different split-screenalwayspayattentiontoyoursurroundingswhen
views on the multimedia system. A split-screenparking and maneuvering. This applies to the
viewalsoincludesatopviewofthevehicle.Thisareas behind, in front of and beside the vehicle.
installed cameras (virtual camera).ers.
The six split-screen views are: The 360° camera will not function or will func-
Rtopviewandpicturefromtherearviewcam-tion in a limited manner:
era (130° viewing angle) Rif the doors are open
RtopviewandimagefromthefrontcameraRif the exterior mirrors are folded in
(130° viewing angle without displaying theRif the trunk lid is open
maximumsteering wheel angle) Rinheavyrain, snow or fog
Rtopviewandenlargedrearview Ratnightorinverydarkplaces
Rtopviewandenlargedfront view Rifthecamerasareexposedtoverybrightlight
Rtopviewandimagesfromtherear-facingsideRif the area is lit by fluorescent bulbs or LED
cameras (rear wheel view) lighting (the display may flicker)
side cameras (front wheel view) intoaheatedgarageinwinter,causingarapid
Whenthefunction is active and you shift thechange in temperature
transmission from D or R to N, the guide lines
are hidden in the multimedia system.
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year of production from: 2014
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