owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
210 Driving systems
object is marked with a bar. Objects locatedWhenthefunction is active and you shift the
somedistance from the vehicle away aretransmissionfromDorRtoN,theguidelines
markedwithayellow bar. If the distance toin the Audio 20 or COMAND display are hid-
red. Whenyouchangebetweentransmission
Object detection only works in wide-anglepositions D and R, you see the previously
mode. selected front or rear view.
parkingIn order to use the function, it must beDistances measured by PARKTRONIC will
switchedoninAudio20orCOMAND(seethealso be optically displayed:
andDigital Operator's Manual). Rinsplit screen view as red or yellow brack-
ets around the vehicle icon in the top view,
360°camera or
Ratthebottomright as red or yellow brack-
DrivingGeneral notes etsaroundthevehiclesymbolinfull-screen
The 360° camera is a system consisting ofmode
four cameras. The line thickness and color of the brackets
Thesystemanalyzesimagesfromthefollow-showhowfarthevehicle is from an object.
ing cameras: Ryellow brackets with thin lines:
Ryellow brackets with normal lines: an
RFrontcamera objectispresentincloserangeofthevehi-
RTwosidecamerasintheexterior mirrorscle
The cameras capture the immediate sur-Rredline: an object is present in the imme-
roundings of the vehicle. The system sup-diate close range of the vehicle
ports you, for example when parking or if
vision is restricted at an exit. Important safety notes
in full-screen mode or in six different split-a distorted view of obstacles, show them
screen views on the Audio 20 or COMANDincorrectly or not at all. The 360°camera is
display. A split-screen view also includes anot a substitute for attentive driving.
topviewofthevehicle.ThisviewiscalculatedYouarealwaysresponsible for safe maneu-
from the data supplied by the installed cam-vering and parking. When maneuvering or
eras (virtual camera). parking,makesurethattherearenopersons,
The six split-screen views are: animalsorobjectsintheareainwhichyouare
Rtopviewandpicturefromtherearview maneuvering.
camera (130° viewing angle) Youarealwaysresponsible for safety, and
Rtopviewandimagefromthefrontcameramustalways pay attention to your surround-
(130°viewinganglewithoutdisplayingtheings when parking and maneuvering. This
maximumsteering wheel angle) applies to the areas behind, in front of and
Rtopviewandenlargedrearview beside the vehicle. You could otherwise
Rtopviewandenlargedfront view endanger yourself and others.
side cameras (rear wheel view)
facing side cameras (front wheel view)

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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