owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
CDbutton SEEK/TRACKbuttonRDM(random)button
WhentheCDbuttonispressedwiththesystem WhentheRDMbutton(Presetstationnumber2)
off and the compact disc loaded, the system willPress the SEEK/TRACK buttonwhile ais pressed while a compact disc is playing, the
turn on and the compact disc will start to play.CDorMP3/WMACDisplayingtoreturntotheRandommodeistoggled.
WhentheCDbuttonispressedwithacompactbeginning of the current track. Press theCDEJECTbutton
disc loaded and the radio playing, the radio willSEEK/TRACKbuttonseveraltimestoskip
automatically be turned off and the compact discbackward several tracks.When thebutton is pressed with a com-
will start to play. Press the SEEK/TRACK buttonwhile apactdiscloaded,thecompactdiscwillejectand
DISPbutton CDorMP3/WMACDisplayingtoadvanceonethe last source will be played.
WhentheDISPbuttonis pressed while a CD istrack.PresstheSEEK/TRACKbuttonsev-Additional features
playing, the display will change as follows:eraltimestoskipforwardseveraltracks.IfthelastForadditionalinformationabouttheiPod®player
track on a CD is skipped, the first track on theavailable with this system, refer to “iPod® player
CD: disc is played. If the last track in a folder of anoperationwithoutNavigationSystem”inthissec-
Track Time → Album → Artist →Track TimeMP3/WMACDisskipped, the first track of thetion.
next folder is played.
CDwithMP3orWMA: TUNE/MENUknob(MP3/WMACDonly)For additional information about the USB inter-
If an MP3/WMACDwithmultiplefoldersisplay-face available with this system, refer to “USB
Track time→ Folder title → Artist → Song title →ing, press the ENTERbuttontoviewthetracklist(Universal Serial Bus) Connection Port (models
Track number without Navigation System)”in this section.
To select a folder or track, turn the TUNE/MENU
Fast Forward) buttonknob to scroll through the folders/songs and
Press and hold the SEEK/TRACK buttonpress the ENTER button to make selection.
or for 1.5 seconds while the compact discRPT(repeat) button
is playing to reverse or fast forward the trackWhentheRPTbutton(Presetstation number 1)
being played. The compact disc plays at an in-is pressed while a compact disc is playing, the
creasedspeedwhilereversingorfastforwarding.Repeat mode is toggled.
When the button is released, the compact disc
returns to normal play speed.
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-39

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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