owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
APPSbutton WhentheXMbuttonispressedwhiletheignitionPressing the button again during this 5 second
Press the APPS button to launch the Smart-switchisintheACCorONposition,theradiowillperiod will stop SCAN tuning and the radio will
phone Integration Mode. For additional informa-comeonatthestation last played.remaintunedtothatstation.IftheSCANbuttonis
tion, refer to “NissanConnectSM Mobile Apps”inThe last station played will also come on whennot pressed within 5 seconds, SCAN tuning
this section regarding this feature.the(power) is pressed ON.movestothenext station.
For additional information, refer to “Bluetooth®*When the XM button is pressed, the satellite1 to 6 Station memory operations
Hands-FreePhonesystemwithoutNavigation”inradio reception will not be available unless anSix stations can be set for the AM band. Twelve
this section regarding connecting your phone.optional satellite receiver and antenna are in-stations can be set for the FM band (six for FM1,
stalled and a SiriusXM® Satellite Radio servicesix for FM2).
(back) button subscription is active. Satellite radio is not avail-
Pressing the(back) button will return theable in Alaska, Hawaii and Guam.1. Choose the radio band AM, FM1 or FM2
user to the previous menu.If a compact disc is playing when the XM buttonusing the FM·AM button.
FM/AM/SATradiooperation is pressed,thecompactdiscwillautomaticallybe2. Tune to the desired station using the
turned off and the last radio station played willSEEK button or theTRACK button.
FM·AMbutton comeon. Press and hold any of the desired station
Press the FM·AM button to change the band asTUNE/SCROLLknob(Tuning)memory buttons (1 – 6) until the preset
follows: number is updated on the display and a
AM→FM1→FM2→AM Turn the TUNE/SCROLL knob to the left or rightbeep is heard.
for manual tuning.
Ifanother audio source is playing when theSEEKtuning3. Programming is now complete.
FM·AMbuttonispressed,theaudiosourceplay- 4. Other buttons can be set in the same man-
ing will automatically be turned off and the last ner.
radio station played will begin playing.Press theorSEEKbuttons to tuneIf the battery cable is disconnected, or if the fuse
XMbandselect fromlowtohighorhightolowfrequenciesandtoopens,theradiomemorywillbecanceled.Inthat
stop at the next broadcasting station.case, reset the desired stations.
Press the XM button to change the band asSCANtuningCompactdisc(CD)player operation
follows: Press the SCAN button to stop at each broad-
XM1* → XM2* → XM3* → XM1 (satellite, if socasting station for 5 seconds. SCAN will appearIf the radio is already operating, it automatically
equipped) on the screen while the radio is scan tuning.turns off and the compact disc begins to play.
4-42 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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