owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
TUNE/MENUknob/Enterbuttoning will automatically be turned off and the last1. Choose the radio band AM, FM1 or FM2
Turn the TUNE/MENU knob to the left or right toradio station played will begin playing.using the AM or FM button.
scroll and then press ENTER to select desiredIf the FM-AM button is pressed for more than2. Tune to the desired station using manual or
item. 1.5 seconds, the AUTOSTORE function will beSEEK tuning. Press and hold any of the
initiated. The “AST” icon will appear and “AU-desired station memory buttons (1 – 6) until
A–Zbutton TOSTORE”mayappearonthedisplayscreen, aa beep sound is heard.
When listening to music via USB or iPod®,beep is heard and the radio mutes. The system
pressing the A-Z button will launch a quickwill then automatically detect the 6 stations with3. The station memory position (P1–P6) will
search function in music browser that will allowthe strongest frequency and save them as pre-now be displayed next to the band. Pro-
user to search for music alphabetically using thesets. Once AUTOSTOREiscomplete,the“AST”gramming is now complete.
TUNE/MENUknob. icon will disappear and “AUTOSTORE COM-4. Other buttons can be set in the same man-
PLETE”mayappearonthedisplay screen.ner.
When listening to music via USB or iPod®, If the battery cable is disconnected or if the fuse
pressing the RDM button will shuffle the songsTurn the TUNE/MENUknobtotheleftorrightforopens,theradiomemorywillbecanceled.Inthat
beingplayed.PressingtheRPTbuttonwillrepeatmanual tuning.case, reset the desired stations.
the song being played. SEEKtuning SCAN(tuning) button
(back) button PresstheSCANbutton.SCANilluminatesinthe
Pressing the(back) button will return thePress the SEEK/TRACK buttonordisplay window. Scan tuning begins from low to
user to the previous menu.to tune from low to high or high to low frequen-high frequencies. Scan tuning stops for 5 sec-
FM/AMradiooperation cies and to stop at the next broadcasting station.ondsateachbroadcasting station that has suffi-
Hold either button to tune continuously. Thencient signal strength. When scanning, SCAN
FM-AMbutton releasebutton once desired frequency isblinks in the display. Pressing the SCAN button
Press the FM·AM button to change the band asreached.again during this 5 second period stops scan
follows: tuningandtheradioremainstunedtothatstation.
Station select (1 to 6) memory operationsCompactdisc(CD)player operation
AM→FM1→FM2→AM Twelvestations can be set for the FM band (6 for
Ifanother audio source is playing when theFM1, 6 for FM2) and six stations can be set forIf the radio is already operating, it automatically
FM·AMbuttonispressed,theaudiosourceplay-the AM band.turns off and the compact disc begins to play.
4-38 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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