owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
braking, handling, ground clearance,● Theuseofretreadtiresisnotrecom-Care of wheels
body-to-tireclearance,tirechainmended. ● Wash the wheels when washing the
clearance, speedometer calibration,● For additional information regardingvehicle to maintain their appearance.
headlight aim and bumper height.tires, refer to ‘‘Important Tire Safety● Cleantheinner side of the wheels when
Some of these effects may lead toInformation’’ in the Warranty Infor-thewheelischangedortheundersideof
accidents and could result in seriousmation Booklet (US) or ‘‘Tire Safetythe vehicle is washed.
personal injury. Information’’ in the Warranty and
● If the wheels are changed for anyRoadside Assistance Information● Do not use abrasive cleaners when
reason, always replace with wheelsbooklet (Canada).washing the wheels.
which have the same off-set dimen- ● Inspect wheel rims regularly for dents or
sion. Wheels of a different offsetWheel balancecorrosion. Such damage may cause loss
couldcauseprematuretirewear,de-Unbalanced wheels may affect vehicle han-of pressure or poor seal at the tire bead.
grade vehicle handling characteris-dling and tire life. Even with regular use,● NISSAN recommends waxing the road
tics and/or interference with thewheels can get out of balance. Therefore,wheels to protect against road salt in
brake discs/drums. Such interfer-they should be balanced as required.areas where it is used during winter.
ence can lead to decreased braking
efficiencyand/orearlybrakeWheel balance service should be per-Spare tire (TEMPORARY USE
pad/shoe wear. Refer to “Wheel/tireformedwiththewheelsoffthevehicle.SpinONLY)
size” in the “Technical and con-balancing the front wheels on the vehicleObserve the following precautions if the TEM-
sumer information” section of thiscould lead to transmission damage.PORARYUSEONLYsparetire must be used,
manual for wheel off-set dimen- otherwise your vehicle could be damaged or
sions. ● For additional information regardinginvolved in an accident:
● Do not install a deformed wheel ortires, refer to ‘‘Important Tire Safety
tire evenifit hasbeenrepaired.SuchInformation’’intheWarrantyInforma-
wheels or tires could have unknowntion Booklet (US) or ‘‘Tire Safety In-
structural damage and could failformation’’intheWarrantyandRoad-
without warning. side Assistance Information booklet
Maintenance and do-it-yourself8-47

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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