owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
If you plan to operate your vehicle in snowyTIRE CHAINS
or icy conditions, NISSAN recommends theUseoftirechainsmaybeprohibitedaccord-
use of ‘‘SNOW’’ tires or ‘‘ALL SEASON’’ing to location. Check the local laws before
tires on all four wheels. installing tire chains. When installing tire
Snow tires chains, make sure they are of proper size
If snow tires are needed, it is necessary tofor the tires on your vehicle and are installed
select tires equivalent in size and load ratingaccording to the chain manufacturer’s sug-
to the original equipment tires. If you do not,gestions. Use only SAE class “S” chains.
it can adversely affect the safety and han-Other types may damage your vehicle. Use
dling of your vehicle. chain tensioners when recommended by
Generally, snow tires have lower speedthe tire chain manufacturer to ensure a tight
ratings than factory equipped tires and mayfit. Loose end links of the tire chain must be
not match the potential maximum vehiclesecured or removed to prevent the possibil-ADI1115
ity of whipping action damage to the fenders
speed. Never exceed the maximum speedor underbody. If possible, avoid fully loadingCHANGINGWHEELSANDTIRES
rating of the tire. your vehicle when using tire chains. In ad-
If you plan to operate your vehicle in snowydition, drive at a reduced speed. Otherwise,Tire rotation
or icy conditions, NISSAN recommends theyour vehicle may be damaged and/or ve-Tire should be rotated every 7,500 miles
use of ‘‘SNOW’’ tires or ‘‘ALL SEASON’’hicle handling and performance may be(12,000 km).
tires on all four wheels. adversely affected.
For additional traction on icy roads, studdedNever install tire chains on a TEMPORARYSee‘‘Flattire’’ in the ‘‘In case of emergency’’
tires may be used. However, some U.S.USE ONLY spare tire. Do not use tiresection for tire replacing procedures.
states andCanadianprovincesprohibittheirchains on dry roads.As soon as possible, tighten the wheel
use. Check local, state and provincial lawsTire chains must be installed only on thenutstothespecifiedtorquewithatorque
before installing studded tires. Skid andfront wheels and not on the rear wheels.wrench.
traction capabilities of studded snow tires Wheel nut tightening torque:
on wet or dry surfaces may be poorer than 80 ft-lb (108 Nzm)
that of non-studded snow tires.
Maintenance and do-it-yourself8-45

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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