owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
checked when tires are COLD. Tires are● Do not drive your vehicle over 85the potential maximum vehicle speed.
considered COLD after the vehicle hasMPH(140km/h)unlessitisequippedNever exceed the maximum speed rat-
been parked for three or more hours, orwith high speed rated tires. Drivinging of the tire.
driven less than 1 mile (1.6 km) at moderatefaster than 85 MPH (140 km/h) may● For additional information regarding
speeds. COLD tire pressures are shown onresult in tire failure, loss of controltires, refer to ‘‘Important Tire Safety
the tire placard affixed to the driver’s sideand possible injury.Information’’intheWarrantyInforma-
rear door pillar. ● For additional information regardingtion Booklet (US) or ‘‘Tire Safety In-
WARNING tires, refer to ‘‘Important Tire Safetyformation’’intheWarrantyandRoad-
● Improperlyinflatedtirescanfailsud-Information’’ in the Warranty Infor-side Assistance Information booklet
denly and cause an accident.mation Booklet (US) or ‘‘Tire Safety(Canada).
● The vehicle weight capacity is indi-Information’’ in the Warranty and
cated on the tire placard. Do not loadRoadside Assistance InformationAll Season tires
your vehicle beyond this capacity.booklet (Canada).NISSANspecifies All Season tires on some
Overloading your vehicle may resultTYPES OF TIRESmodels to provide good performance all
in reduced tire life, unsafe operatingWARNINGyear round, including snowy and icy road
conditions due to premature tire fail- conditions. All Season tires are identified by
ure, or unfavorable handling charac-● Whenchangingorreplacingtires,be‘‘ALL SEASON’’ and/or ‘‘M&S’’ on the tire
teristics and could also lead to asure all four tires are of the samesidewall. Snow tires have better snow trac-
seriousaccident.Loadingbeyondthetype (i.e., summer, all season ortion than All Season tires and may be more
specified capacity may also result insnow) and construction. An autho-appropriate in some areas.
failure of other vehicle components.rized NISSAN dealer may be able toSummer tires
● Before taking a long trip, or when-help you with information about tire
ever you heavily load your vehicle,type,size,speedratingandavailabil-NISSAN specifies summer tires on some
use a tire pressure gauge to ensureity. Replacement tires may have amodels to provide superior performance on
that the tire pressures are at thelower speed rating than the factorydry roads. Summer tire performance is sub-
specified level. equipped tires, and may not matchstantially reduced in snow and ice. Summer
tires do not have the tire traction rating
‘‘M&S’’ on the tire sidewall.
8-44 Maintenance and do-it-yourself

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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