owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Control systems
COMANDnavigation system (routeguidance)
Route guidance from an off-road loca-At the start of the route guidance, you will
tion to a destinationsee the “ Off Map” message and a direction
If there is no road available on map at cur-arrow. The direction arrow shows the com-
rent position of the car, vehicle is off road.pass heading to the actual destination.
COMAND is also able to guide you to a des-The route is highlighted blue from the near-
tination from such a location.est road known to the system.
At the start of the route guidance, you will As soon as the vehicle is back on a road
see the “Off Road” message and a direc-known to the system, route guidance con-
tion arrow. The direction arrow shows the tinues in the usual way.
1Current vehicle position; the triangle in-compass heading to the actual destina-
dicates the vehicle’s direction of traveltion.Off-road during route guidance
2Off-road section of the routeThe route is highlighted blue from the near-The road layout may differ from the data on
3Off-road destinationest road known to the system. the digital map, due to road construction
4Direction arrow, shows compass head-measures, for example.
ing to destinationAs soon as the vehicle is back on a road
On the off-road section of the route, direc-known to the system, route guidance con-In such cases, the system cannot allocate
tion arrows showing the compass heading tinues in the usual way.the vehicle’s position to the digital map
to the destination guide you. You will also and the vehicle is therefore in an off-road
see the “Direction to destination” display.Route guidance from an off-map loca-position.
tion to a destinationThe “Off Road” message and an arrow
If the vehicle position is outside the area showing the compass heading to the desti-
covered by the digital map, then the vehi-nation appear on the display.
cle is in an off-map location.As soon as the system can allocate the ve-
COMAND is also able to guide you to a des-hicle position’s to the map again, route
tination from such a location.guidance continues in the usual way.

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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