owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Control systems
COMANDnavigation system (routeguidance)
Partially digitized areas If the destination is within a partially iWhen you call up the route info to this type
digitized area of destination, ( page 204) the following data
iThe digital map may contain areas that are COMAND guides you through fully digitized shown there may differ from the actual situation:
only partially digitized although they are within a areas for as long as possible. Route guid- Distance to the destination
digitized region. ance is conducted in the usual manner, i.e. Estimated driving time to the destination
Warning! G with navigation announcements and route Estimated arrival time
guidance displays.
Due to incomplete digitization, the route Before the vehicle reaches a partially digi-Route guidance within a partially digi-
shown on the map may differ from the actual tized area, COMAND notifies you of this tized area
road/traffic situation. with the following announcements:If you start route guidance in this type of
If you follow the route shown on the map, for “Be prepared to enter an area where area, you will hear the following announce-
example, it is possible that you could drive turn by turn guidance cannot be provid-ment: “You are currently in an area where
the wrong way down a one-way street or ed.” turn by turn guidance cannot be provided.”
that a street cannot be driven on. “In 700feet you will enter an area Route guidance is provided by means of a
When using route guidance in a partially dig-where turn by turn guidance cannot be direction arrow showing the compass
itized area, you must therefore be sure to provided.” heading to the destination. COMAND will
observe all relevant traffic regulations and not generate automatic navigation an-
the course of the road. iThe indicated distance can be seen here by nouncements.
way of example. In reality, it may be different.If you try to call up an announcement man-
All relevant traffic regulations and the “You are about to enter an area where ually, ( page 202) you will hear the an-
course of the road always take priority over turn by turn guidance cannot be provid-nouncement “You are currently in an area
the route shown on the map. ed.” where turn by turn guidance cannot be pro-

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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