owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Control systems
COMANDnavigation system (routeguidance)
During route guidance, the display is divid-Off-road and off-mapThese destinations are shown as off-road
ed. On the right-hand side you will see the destinations, which you can enter using
direction arrow showing the compass Route guidance to an off-road destina-the map, for example.
heading to the destination.tion In these cases, COMAND guides you for as
On the left-hand side of the display you will long as possible with navigation announce-
see the map with the suggested route. The Warning!G ments and displays on roads known to the
suggested route is highlighted blue. How- system.
ever, it may not be possible to follow the Shortly before you reach the last known
suggested route because, for example, the The COMAND navigation system may direct the point to leave the digitized road net-
road is closed or not open for car traffic.you to off-road routes that your vehicle may work, you will hear the announcement “ The
If, during route guidance, COMAND leads not be capable of traversing through without destination is nearby. Follow the arrow on
you back into a fully digitalized area, route damaging your tires, wheels or vehicle. It is the display”.
guidance will simply continue in the usual the driver’s sole responsibility to determine You will then see an arrow that indicates
manner. the suitability of the route. Off-road routes the direction to the off-road destination.
may be of varying conditions and their ap-When the off-road destination is close to
propriateness for use may be affected by the road, “Area of dest. reached” appears
various factors such as time of day, time of in addition below the arrow.
year and immediate weather conditions that
cannot be judged or taken into consider-The section of the route from the last
ation by the COMAND system.known point on the map to the off-road
destination is indicated with a dashed line
COMAND can guide you to destinations after a certain length. It simply shows the
within the area covered by the digital map, direction to the off-road destination with-
even if a destination is not located at a out taking account of any type of obstacles
road known to the system.in the way.

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year of production from: 2006

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