owners manual Opel Vectra
owners manual Opel Vectra - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 - Opel Vectra Vauxhall III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Opel Vectra, year of production 2002 - 2008:
188 Driving and operation
Fuels, refuelling Fuel with too low an octane number can Important: Diesel fuel mixed with 5% FAME
Fuel consumption cause pinking. Vauxhall cannot be held according to DIN EN 590 must not be
Fuel consumption is determined under liable for resulting damage. confused with 100% Bio Diesel, which is not
specific driving conditions – see page 287. Petrol with a higher octane number can to be used in Vauxhall engines.
Special equipment increases the weight of always be used. The flow and filterability of diesel fuel are
the vehicle. As a result, they can increase The use of 91 octane fuel is not permitted temperature-dependent.
fuel consumption and reduce the specified 1)
in vehicles with the Z 22 YH engine or the Diesel fuels with improved low temperature
maximum speed. Vectra VXR. properties are therefore available on the
For the first few thousand miles / The ignition timing adjusts automatically market during the winter months. Make
kilometres, friction between the engine and to the grade of fuel used (octane sure that you fill the tank with winter fuel
transmission components is higher. This number) – see pages 284, 285. before the start of the cold weather
increases fuel consumption. season.
Use of petrol with an octane rating of 95 Additives can be used with diesel fuels with
Fuel for petrol engines will ensure economical driving. winter properties that are guaranteed by
Normal commercial high-quality fuels with Fuel with 95 RON will result in less power the manufacturer and when using diesel
a maximum ethanol content of 5% in and torque with the Vectra VXR. fuel filters that are heated depending on
accordance with DIN EN 228 are suitable the outside temperature.
(for catalytic converter see page 190, for Fuel for diesel engines
octane numbers - see pages 284, 285). The Diesel engines must be operated only on Diesel fuels must not be diluted with fuels
quality thereof has considerable effect on commercially available diesel fuel meeting that are intended for petrol engines.
the performance, running and service life the specifications of DIN EN 590. Fuel filler cap
of the engine. The additives mixed with the Since January 2004, some oil companies When replacing the fuel filler cap, be sure
fuel are extremely important. For this have mixed their diesel fuel with up to 5% to use a genuine fuel filler cap for your
reason you must only refuel with high- Bio fuel (FAME = Fatty Acid Methyl Esters) model to ensure full functionality. Diesel-
quality fuels containing additives. like RME (Rape-Oil Methyl Ester). This is in engined vehicles have special fuel filler
Fuels with ethanol content greater than 5% accordance with the current DIN EN 590 caps.
do not comply with DIN EN 228 and must and does not harm the fuel/injection
not be used unless the vehicle has been system. The characteristics of a diesel fuel
specifically developed and approved for mixed up with 5% Bio fuel (FAME) do not
these fuels. differ from conventional diesel fuel and do
not influence the vehicle’s driveability.
1) Sales designation – see page 284, 285.

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year of production from: 2002

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Opel Vectra Vauxhall III 3 owners manual
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