owners manual Opel Vectra
owners manual Opel Vectra - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 - Opel Vectra Vauxhall III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Opel Vectra, year of production 2002 - 2008:
Driving and operation187
Overrun zSlightly releasing the accelerator pedal Repair and maintenance
z The fuel supply is automatically shut off results in distinct fuel savings with no z Improper repairs or adjustment and
during overrun, e.g. when the vehicle is major loss of speed. maintenance work can increase fuel
being driven down long gradients or Drive at no more than around three consumption. Do not carry out work on
when braking – see page 185. quarters of maximum speed and you will the engine yourself.
z To enable the overrun cut-off to come use up to 50% less fuel, without losing a You may out of ignorance infringe
into action and save fuel, do not great deal of time. environmental laws by not disposing of
accelerate or depress clutch pedal Tyre pressure materials properly.
during overrun. zInadequate tyre pressure, leading to Appropriate parts might not be recycled.
Correct gear selection higher road resistance, costs money in Contact with some of the materials
z High revs increase engine wear and fuel two ways: for more fuel and increased involved may pose a health hazard.
consumption. tyre wear.
z Do not race your engine. Avoid driving at zRegular checks (every 14 days) pay off. z We recommend that repair and
high engine speeds. maintenance be entrusted to your
Electrical loads Vauxhall Authorised Repairer.
Making use of the tachometer helps to zThe power consumption of electrical Extreme driving conditions
save fuel. Drive in a low engine speed equipment increases fuel consumption. z Going up steep slopes, cornering, driving
range for each gear as much as possible zSwitch off all auxiliary electrical loads on poor roads and winter driving all
with uniform engine speeds. Drive as (e.g. air conditioning 3, heated rear increase fuel consumption.
often as possible in top gear, select the window) when not needed.
next higher gear as soon as possible, Fuel consumption increases dramatically
and only change down when the engine Roof racks, ski-holders i n urba n tra ffic a nd at winter
is no longer running perfectly smoothly. zDue to air resistance, a roof load temperatures, especially on short trips
High speed canincrease fuel consumption by when the engine operating temperature
z The higher the speed, the higher the approx. 3.5 gal./1000 miles (1 l/100km). is not reached.
consumption and the noise level. At top zRemove them if they are not being used. z Follow the hints given above to keep
speed, you consume a great deal of fuel consumption to a minimum under such
and produce excessive noise and conditions.
exhaust emissions.

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year of production from: 2002

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Opel Vectra Vauxhall III 3 owners manual
pages 189 - 195
Opel Vectra Vauxhall III 3 owners manual
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