owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
1. Apply the parking brake. turning the ignition key to START. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION
2. Move the selector lever to P (Park) orRelease the key when the engine Gate type shift with manual mode
N (Neutral). (P preferred.) starts. If the engine starts, but fails
to run, repeat the above procedure.Theautomatictransmissioninyourvehicle
The starter is designed not to operate if is electronically controlled by a transmis-
the selector lever is in one of the drivingCAUTION sion control module to produce maximum
positions. power and smooth operation.
3. Crank the engine with your foot off theDo not operate the starter for more than 15Shownonthefollowing pages are the rec-
accelerator pedal by turning the igni-seconds at a time. If the engine does notommended operating procedures for this
tionkeytoSTART.Releasethekeywhenstart, turn the key off and wait 10 secondstransmission. Follow these procedures for
the engine starts. If the engine starts,before cranking again, otherwise the maximumvehicleperformanceand
butfails to run, repeat the above proce-starter could be damaged.driving enjoyment.
dure. Starting the vehicle
O If the engine is very hard to start in4. Warm-up
extremely cold weather or when re-Allow the engine to idle for at least 30After starting the engine, fully depress the
starting,depress the acceleratorseconds after starting. Do not race thefoot brake pedal before shifting the selec-
pedal a little (approximately 1/3 toengine while warming it up. Drive at tor lever to the R (Reverse), N (Neutral), D
the floor) and hold it then crank themoderate speed for a short distance (Drive) or manual shift mode position. Be
engine. Release the key and the ac-first, especially in cold weather.sure the vehicle is fully stopped before at-
celerator pedal when the engineIn cold weather, keep the engine run-tempting to shift the selector lever.
starts. ning for a minimum of2-3minutesThis automatic transmission is designed
O If the engine is very hard to startbefore shutting it off. Starting and so that the foot brake pedal MUST be de-
because it is flooded, depress thestopping the engine over a short pe- pressed before shifting from P (Park) to
accelerator pedal all the way to theriod of time may make the vehicle any drive position while the ignition
floor and hold it. Crank the enginemore difficult to start.switch is ON.
for 5 to 6 seconds. After cranking The selector lever cannot be moved out of
the engine, release the accelerator P (Park) and into any of the other gear
pedal. Crank the engine with your positions if the ignition key is turned to
foot off the accelerator pedal by the LOCK, OFF or ACC position or if the
Starting and driving 5-9
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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