owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
If the selector lever is not returned to Pturn clockwise from the straight up posi-moved until the selector lever is moved to
(Park), the key cannot be moved toward tion. the P (Park) position.
LOCK. To unlock the steering wheel, insert theACC (Accessories) (2)
When the key cannot be turned toward key and turn it gently while rotating theThis position activates electrical accesso-
the LOCK position, proceed as follows tosteering wheel slightly right and left.ries such as the radio when the engine is
remove the key: Emergency release steering locknot running.
1. Move the selector lever into the P When the battery is discharged, the steer-ON Normal operating position (3)
(Park) position. ing lock may not be released. Proceed asThis position turns on the ignition system
2. Turn the ignition key slightly in the ONfollows to release the steering lock.and the electrical accessories.
direction. 1. Remove the emergency key from the START (4)
3. Turn the key toward the LOCK posi-electronic ignition key. See “How toThis position activates the starter motor,
tion. use the emergency key” in the “3. Pre-starting the engine.
4. Remove the key. driving checks and adjustments” sec-INFINITI VEHICLE IMMOBILIZER
If the key is removed from the ignition 2. To unlock the steering wheel, insert SYSTEM
switch, the select lever cannot be movedthe emergency key deeply and turn itThe INFINITI Vehicle Immobilizer System
from P (Park).The selector lever can begently while rotating the steeringwill not allow the engine to start without
moved if the ignition switch is in the ONwheel slightly right and left.the use of the registered INFINITI Vehicle
position and the foot brake pedal is de- Immobilizer System key (hereafter “Elec-
pressed. KEY POSITIONS tronic ignition key”).
There is an OFF positionA
jin between LOCK Normal parking position (0)The engine may not start with the regis-
LOCK and ACC, although it does not showOFF (1)tered electronic ignition key under the fol-
on the lock cylinder. When the ignition is lowing conditions:
in the OFF position the steering wheel isThe engine can be turned off without
not locked. locking the steering wheel.
In order for the steering wheel to be The ignition lock is designed so that the
locked, it must be turned about 1/6 of akey cannot be turned to LOCK and re-
Starting and driving 5-7
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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