owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
vehicle (P is preferred) or move the se-
the vehicle to move unexpectedly or rolllector lever to P (Park) to park the ve-WARNING
away and result in serious personal injuryhicle.
or property damage. 5. Turn the ignition key to LOCK to re-O The rear view camera is a convenience
move the key. but it is not a substitute for proper
If the key is turned to OFF or ACC for anyP (Park): backing or lane changing procedures.
reason while the vehicle is in R (Reverse), Always turn and check that it is safe to
N (Neutral), or any D (Drive) position, theUsethisselector position when the vehicledo so before backing up or changing
key cannot be turned to LOCK and be re-is parked or when starting the engine.lanes. Always back up slowly.
moved from the ignition switch. Addition-Make sure the vehicle is completely
ally, the selector lever cannot be moved stopped. For maximum safety, depress theO Objects viewed in the rear view monitor
to R (Reverse) from N (Neutral) or any D brake pedal, then move the lever to the Pdiffer from actual distance because a
(Drive) position. The selector lever can be(Park) position. The brake pedal must bewide-angle lens is used. Objects will
moved to R (Reverse) from any of the D depressed any time the selector lever isappear visually opposite than when
(Drive) positions within 3 minutes after
the ignition switch is turned to the ACC ormovedtoP(Park).Applytheparkingbrake.viewed in the rear view and outside
When parking on a hill, apply the parkingmirrors.
OFF position. The selector lever can be brake first, then move the lever to the P
moved from R (Reverse) to P (Park) with (Park) position.O Do not put anything on the rear view
the key in the OFF or ACC position.R (Reverse): camera. The rear view camera is in-
If the key cannot be turned to LOCK, per- stalled beside the license plate light.
form the following steps:Use this position to back up. Always be
1. Apply the parking brake when the ve-sure the vehicle is completely stopped
hicle is stopped. when selecting R (Reverse).The brakeN (Neutral):
2. Turn the key to ON. pedal must be depressed to move the se-Neither forward or reverse gear is en-
lector lever from P (Park), N (Neutral), orgaged. The engine can be started in this
3. Depress the foot brake pedal if the ve-any drive position to R (Reverse).position. You may shift to N (Neutral) and
hicle is in the N (Neutral) or any D Rear view monitorrestart a stalled engine while the vehicle
(Drive) position. When the selector lever is shifted into theis moving.
4. If necessary, move the selector lever R (Reverse) position, the monitor display
to P (Park) or N (Neutral) to restart theshows a rear view of the vehicle.
Starting and driving 5-11
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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