owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
Navigation commands (if so2. Sit in the driver’s seat with the enginemore than 3 seconds in the SA mode
equipped) running, the parking brake on, and theO When the vehicle is driven during the
transmission in Park. SA mode
Refer to the separate Navigation Owner’s3. Push and hold the PTT button for 3
Manual. O Whenthe key is turned to OFF
TRAINING. Training phrase
Speaker Adaptation allows up to two out-4. Voice memory A or B is selected auto-During the SA mode, the VACS instructs
of-dialect users to train the system to im-matically. At this time, “TRAININGthe trainer to say the following phrases.
prove recognition accuracy. By repeatingMODE VOICE A or B” is displayed.(The timing of input phrases is indicated
a number of commands, the users can by the VACS.)
create a voice model of their own voice 5. When preparation is complete, push
that is stored in the VACS. The VACS isthe PTT button.O temperature eighteen point five de-
capable of storing two different speaker6. The SA mode will be explained. Followgrees
adaptation models in the memory locationthe instructions.O phone dial memory nineteen
If memory A is available, the VACS will 7. When the training is finished, “RE- O audio tone treble up
use memory A to store the model. IfCORDING COMPLETE” will be dis- O tune seventeen hundred and ten
memory A is in use and memory B isplayed.
available, the VACS will use memory B to8. “PLEASE SAY YOUR NAME” will then O phone enter three zero seven two nine
store the model. If both of the memory lo- O radio select hundred and five point
be displayed. Follow the instructions
cations are in use, the VACS will ask userand register your name.one FM
to select which memory location should9. When the registered name is con- O climate control twenty two point oh
be overwritten. firmed, “TRAINING COMPLETE” will bedegrees
Training procedure displayed, thereby completing the SAO telephone store zero five four four six
The procedure for training a voice is asmode.
follows. 10.The SA mode will stop if any of the fol-O maproute guidance off
1. Position the vehicle in a reasonablylowing operations is carried out.O CDchanger tone bass down
quiet outdoor location.O When the PTT button is pushed for O tune fourteen ten AM
Monitor, climate, audio and voice-activated control systems 4-47
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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