owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
If any malfunction occurs in the 4WD system
whenthekeyswitchisON,thewarninglightwillrecommended when the 4WD warn-and shift the 4WD shift switch to
either remain illuminated or blink.ing light turns on.2WD.
If the 4WD warning light comes on, the 4WD When the warning light comes on, Ifthewarninglightisstillonafterthe
indicator light goes out. the 2WDmodemaybeengagedevenabove operation, have your vehicle
High-temperature transfer case oil makes theif the 4WD shift switch is in AUTO orchecked by an authorized NISSAN
warning light blink rapidly (about twice per sec-4H. Be especially careful when driv-dealer as soon as possible.
ond). If the warning light blinks rapidly duringing. If corresponding parts are mal- Thetransfer case may be damaged if
operation, stop the vehicle in a safe place imme-functioning, the 4WD mode will notyoucontinuedrivingwiththewarning
diately. Then if the light goes off after a while, yoube engaged even if the 4WD shiftlight blinking rapidly.
can continue driving. switch is shifted.
A large difference between the diameters of Do not drive on dry hard surface
front and rear wheels will make the warning lightroads in the 4H or 4LO position. Driv-
blink slowly (about once per two seconds).ingondryhardsurfaceroadsin4Hor
Change the 4WD shift switch into 2WD and do4L maycauseunnecessarynoise,tire
not drive fast. wear and increased fuel consump-
CAUTION If the 4WD warning light turns on
when you are driving on dry hard
If the warning light comes on orsurface roads
blinksslowlyduringoperationorrap- in the AUTO or 4H position, shift
idly after stopping the vehicle for athe 4WD shift switch to 2WD.
while, have your vehicle checked by
an authorized NISSAN dealer as in the 4LO position, stop the ve-
soon as possible. hicle, move the automatic trans-
Shifting between 4H and 4LO is notmission lever to the Nposition,
Starting and driving 5-31

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year of production from: 1996

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