owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
Follow the recommended periodic mainte- MPH (80 km/h) in 4H are not recom-
nance schedule. mended.
Keep the tires inflated at the correct pres- 4L — (4WD, low range) Four wheels are driven.
sure. Lowpressurewillincreasetirewearand Usewhenclimbing or descending steep hills, or
waste fuel. during hard driving in sand, mud or deep snow.
Keep the front wheels in correct alignment. The 4L position provides maximum power
Improper alignment will cause increased tire and traction. Avoid raising vehicle speed
wear and lower fuel economy. excessively, as the maximum speed is ap-
proximately 30 MPH (50 km/h).
Airconditioneroperationlowersfuel N — No wheels are driven. Always keep the
economy. Use the air conditioner only when transfer lever out of the N position. Shift the lever
necessary. quickly and smoothly when moving across the N
Whencruising at highway speeds, it is more position with the vehicle stopped.
economical to use the air conditioner and SSD0128
leave the windows closed to reduce drag.2H — (2WD, high range) Only the rear wheelsWARNING
are driven. Use for driving under the same
Use 4H or 4L position only when necessary.conditions as standard 2WD vehicle, or state When parking the vehicle, apply the
Four wheel drive operation lowers fueldynamometer I/M testing. parking brake and shift the transfer
economy. 4H—(4WD,highrange)Fourwheelsaredriven.control lever in the 2H, 4H or 4L
Usewhendriving on roads where it is difficult toposition.
drive in the 2H position (i.e., driving at normal Do not leave the transfer control le-
speeds on snow covered, icy, wet, muddy orver in the Nposition. Otherwise, the
sandy roads). vehicle could roll unexpectedly even
The 4H position provides greater powerif the manual transmission is in any
and traction. Avoid excessive speed, as itgearortheautomatictransmissionin
will cause increased fuel consumption andthe P position. If the ATP light is on,
higher oil temperature, and could damagethis indicates that the automatic
drivetrain components. Speeds over 50
Starting and driving 5-21

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year of production from: 1996

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