owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
BRAKING PRECAUTIONS To dry brakes, drive the vehicle at a safe speedthe driver maintain steering control and helps to
The brake system has two separate hydraulicwhile lightly pressing the brake pedal to heat-upminimize swerving and spinning on slippery sur-
circuits. If one circuit malfunctions, you will stillthe brakes. Do this until the brakes return tofaces.
have braking at two wheels. normal. Avoid driving the vehicle at high speedsUsing the system
until the brakes function correctly.
Vacuum assisted brake Depress the brake pedal and hold it down.
The brake booster aids braking by using engineWARNING
vacuum. If the engine stops, you can stop the WARNING
vehicle by depressing the brake pedal. However, While driving on a slippery surface,
greater foot pressure on the brake pedal will bebe careful when braking, accelerat-Donotpumpthebrakepedal. Doing so
required to stop the vehicle and the stoppinging or downshifting. Abrupt brakingmay result in increased stopping dis-
distance will be longer. or accelerating could cause thetances.
Using the brakes wheels to skid and result in an acci-
dent. Normal operation
Avoid resting your foot on the brake pedal while If the engine is not running or is
driving. This will overheat the brakes, wear outturned off while driving, the powerThe anti-lock brake system will not operate at
the brake linings and pads faster and reduce gasassist for the brakes will not work.speeds below 3 to 6 MPH (5 to 10 km/h) to
mileage. Braking will be harder. completely stop the vehicle. (The speeds will
To help save the brakes and to prevent the vary according to road conditions.) When the
brakes from overheating, before going down a anti-lock system senses that one or more wheels
slope or long grade, reduce speed and down-ANTI-LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS)are close to locking up, the actuator (under the
shift to a lower gear. The anti-lock brake system controls the brakeshood) rapidly applies and releases hydraulic
at each wheel so the wheels will not lock whenpressure (like pumping the brakes very quickly).
Wet brakes While the actuator is working, you may feel a
braking abruptly or when braking on slipperypulsation in the brake pedal and hear a noise or
When the vehicle is washed or driven throughsurfaces. The system detects the rotation speedvibration from the actuator under the hood. This
water, the brakes may get wet. As a result, yourat each wheel and varies the brake fluid pressureis normal and indicates that the anti-lock system
braking distance will be longer and the vehicleto prevent each wheel from locking and sliding.is working properly. However, the pulsation may
may pull to one side during braking.By preventing wheel lockup, the system helpsindicate that road conditions are hazardous and
5-34 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 1996

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