owners manual Mercedes SLK
owners manual Mercedes SLK - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Mercedes Benz SLK R171 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SLK, year of production 2004 - 2011:
171_AKB; 3; 60, en-US 2009-05-11T16:00:23+02:00 - Seite 183
d2ureepe, Version:
Useful features 183
(1-800-367-6372) (USA only) or a call to the Customer Assistance Center is
1-888-923-8367 (Canada only). initiated automatically by the Tele Aid
You will be asked to provide your password.system provided Tele Aid service was
subscribed to and properly activated, and
XThen return to your vehicle at the time
that necessary cellular service and GPS
arranged with the Customer Assistance
coverage are available. See “Anti-theft
Center and pull the trunk recessed handle
alarm system” (Y page 51) and “Tow-away
for a minimum of 20 seconds until the
alarm” (Y page 52).
indicator lamp in the SOS button is flashing.
The message Connecting Call appears in
the multifunction display.
Garage door opener
As an alternative, you may unlock the vehicle
via Internet in the “My Tele Aid” section ofThe integrated remote control can operate up
“Owner’s Online”, using your ID and passwordto three separately controlled devices
(USA only).
compatible with HomeLink or some other
iThe remote door unlock feature is
Controls in detail
available if the relevant cellular phone
network is available.
Before programming the integrated remote
The SOS button will flash and the message
control to a garage door opener or gate
Connecting Call will appear in the
operator, make sure people and objects are
multifunction display to indicate receipt of
out of the way of the device to prevent
the door unlock command.
potential harm or damage. When
If the trunk recessed handle was pulled forprogramming a garage door opener, the door
more than 20 seconds before door unlockmoves up or down. When programming a gate
authorization was received by theoperator, the gate opens or closes.
Customer Assistance Center, you must
Do not use the integrated remote control with
wait 15 minutes before pulling the trunk
any garage door opener that lacks safety stop
recessed handle again.
and reverse features as required by U.S.
federal safety standards (this includes any
Stolen Vehicle Recovery Services garage door opener model manufactured
before April 1, 1982). A garage door that
In the event your vehicle was stolen:
cannot detect an object - signaling the door
XReport the incident to the police.
to stop and reverse - does not meet current
The police will issue a numbered incident
U.S. federal safety standards.
When programming a garage door opener,
XPass this number on to the Customer
park vehicle outside the garage.
Assistance Center along with your
Do not run the engine while programming the
integrated remote control. Inhalation of
The Customer Assistance Center will then
exhaust gas is hazardous to your health. All
attempt to covertly contact the vehicle’s
exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide (CO),
Tele Aid system. Once the vehicle is
and inhaling it can cause unconsciousness
located, the Customer Assistance Center
and possible death.
will contact the local law enforcement and
you. The vehicle’s location will only be
provided to law enforcement.
iIf the anti-theft alarm or the tow-away
alarm stays on for more than 30 seconds,

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year of production from: 2004

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