owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
a deliberate warning to the driver that one orcle to a specialised workshop as soon as
● If the brake system warning lamp shoulda
e of s is tending to lock and thepossible. at
mor the wheel
light up together with the ABS warning lamp
ABS control function has intervened. In this
, stop the vehicle immediately and check
If there is a fault in the ABS, the ESC* and the
situation it is important to keep the brake the brake fluid level in the reservoir
tyre pressure control lamp will also light up.
pedal fully depressed so the ABS can regu- ››› page 275, Brake fluid. If the brake fluid
level has dropped below the “MIN” mark youT
late the brake application. Do not “pump”.
Brake system fault
must not drive on. Risk of accident. Obtain
If you brake hard on a slippery road surface,
technical assistance.
If the ABS warning lamp lights up together
the best possible control is retained as the
with the brake warning lamp , there is a● If the brake fluid level is correct, the fault in
wheels do not lock.
fault in the ABS function and in the brakethe brake system may have been caused by a
However, ABS will not necessarily guaranteesystem ››› .failure of the ABS system. This could cause
the rear wheels to lock quickly when you
shorter braking distances in all conditions.
brake. This could cause the rear to break
Braking distance could even be further if youWARNING
away. Risk of skidding. Stop the vehicle and
brake on gravel or on fresh snow on a slip-
● The anti-lock brake system cannot defy the
seek technical assistance.
pery surface.
laws of physics. Slippery and wet roads are
dangerous even with ABS! If you notice that
Control lamp the ABS is working (to counteract locked
wheels under braking), you should reduceElectronic differential lock (XDS)*
The control lamp lights up for a few sec-
speed immediately to suit the road and traffic
onds when the ignition is switched on. It
conditions. Do not let the extra safety fea-When taking a curve, the driveshaft differen-
goes out again after the system has run
tures tempt you into taking any risks whential mechanism allows the outer wheel to turn
through an automatic test sequence.
at a higher speed than the inner wheel. In
● The effectiveness of ABS is also determinedthis way, the wheel that is turning faster (out-enc
There is a fault in the ABS if:
by the tyres fitted ››› page 278.er wheel) receives less drive torque than the
●The control lamp does not light up when inner wheel. This may mean that in certain
● If the running gear or brake system is modi- Emer
the ignition is switched on. situations the torque delivered to the inner
fied, the effectiveness of the ABS could be se-
verely limited. wheel is too high, causing the wheels to
●The control lamp does not go out again af-
spin. On the other hand, the outer wheel is
ter a few seconds.
receiving a lower drive torque than it could
The control lamp lights up when the vehicle
transmit. This causes an overall loss of lateral
is moving. Saf
● Before opening the bonnet, read and ob-
grip on the front axle, resulting in understeer
serve the warnings ››› page 267, Working in
or “lengthening” of the trajectory.
The vehicle can still be braked in the normal
the engine compartment.
way, without the ABS function. Take the vehi-
The XDS system can detect and correct this
effect via the sensors and signals of the ESC. »
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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