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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Starting and driving NOTE Sports mode E00602500194 ThО upаarН shiПt maв bО maНО automaticallв l SHIFT WhОthОr thО vОhiclО is stationarв or in motion, in sports moНО аhОn thО ОnginО rОvolutions UP sports moНО is sОlОctОН bв gОntlв pushing thО sОlОc- SHIFT SHIFT risОs anН approachОs thО tachomОtОr’s rОН DOWN UP tor lОvОr Пrom thО “D” (DRIVE) position into thО zonО (thО rОН-colourОН part oП thО tachomОtОr manual gatО (A). To rОturn to “D” rangО opОration, Нial). gОntlв push thО sОlОctor lОvОr back into thО main In sports moНО, onlв thО 6 ПorаarН gОars can l gatО (B). bО sОlОctОН. To rОvОrsО or park thО vОhiclО, SHIFT movО thО sОlОctor lОvОr to thО “R” (RE- DOWN In sports moНО, gОar ratio shiПts can bО maНО rapiН- VERSE) or “P” (PARK) position as rОquirОН. lв simplв bв moving thО sОlОctor lОvОr backаarН To maintain gooН running pОrПormancО, thО l anН ПorаarН. ShiПt paННlОs at thО stООring аhООl transmission maв rОПusО to pОrПorm an up- + (SHIFT UP) can also bО usОН to shiПt thО gОar ratio. In contrast shiПt аhОn thО sОlОctor lОvОr is movОН to thО ThО transmission shiПts up oncО bв Оach opОra- to a manual transmission, thО sports moНО alloаs “+ (SHIFT UP)” position at cОrtain vОhiclО tion. gОar shiПts аith thО accОlОrator pОНal НОprОssОН. spООНs. Also, to prОvОnt ovОr-rОvving oП thО ОnginО, thО transmission maв rОПusО to pОr- - (SHIFT DOWN) NOTE Пorm a НoаnshiПt аhОn thО lОvОr is movОН to ThО transmission shiПts Нoаn oncО bв Оach op- thО “- (SHIFT DOWN)” position at cОrtain You can shiПt into sports moНО аith shiПt paН- l Оration. vОhiclО spООНs. WhОn this happОns, a buzzОr НlОs аhОn thО sОlОctor lОvОr is in thО main 4 sounНs to inНicatО that a НoаnshiПt is not go- gatО as аОll. Also, вou can rОturn to thО “D” ing to takО placО. rangО opОration in anв oП Пolloаing аaвs. CAUTION In sports moНО, НoаnаarН shiПts arО maНО au- WhОn rОturning to “D” rangО opОration, thО l In sports mode, the driver must execute tomaticallв аhОn thО vОhiclО sloаs Нoаn. sОlОctor lОvОr position Нisplaв аill changО tol st upward shifts in accordance with prevail- “D” (DRIVE) position. WhОn thО vОhiclО stops, 1 gОar is automati- ing road conditions, taking care to keep • Pull thО “+ (SHIFT UP)” siНО shiПt paН- callв sОlОctОН. the engine speed below the red zone. НlО ПorаarН (toаarНs thО НrivОr) Пor ovОr Repeated continuous operation of the se- 2 sОconНs. l lector lever or the shift paddles will con- • Stop thО vОhiclО. tinuously switch shift position. • Push thО sОlОctor lОvОr Пrom thО “D” Do not use the left- and right-hand shift (DRIVE) position into thО manual gatОl paddles at the same time. Doing so could (A) anН push thО sОlОctor lОvОr back into cause a shift of gear ratio that you do not thО main gatО (B). expect. 4-26
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year of production from: 2010

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