owners manual Citroen C3
owners manual Citroen C3 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Citroen C3 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C3, year of production 2002 - 2009:
WHAT IS THE TELEPHONE FUNCTION If you have a twin card it is necessary,
The telephone function consists of a GSM on fi rst installation or when updating your
telephone incorporated in NaviDrive.directory, to insert the SIM card from
The GSM telephone has a “hands free” your mobile telephone, then to transfer
function, provided by a microphone located the information on it into the NaviDrive
in the front interior lamp, and controls at the directory. See the Main Menu for the
steering wheel giving you access to most of Directory.
the functions. ENTER THE PIN CODE
Remark : NaviDrive can definitively memorise the
As with any mobile telephone, your vehicle PIN code of a SIM card. This memorisation
telephone operates on the existing cellular having been accepted, your PIN code will be
and terrestrial networks, and so a connection
cannot be guaranteed on every occasion.required only once, at the fi rst entry.
Priority on safety : Enter your PIN code using the buttons on
Do not allow yourself to be distracted while the keypad W, then validate by pressing
you are driving. Observe the national leg-the control G or alternatively button # on
islation currently in force. We recommend the keypad W.MULTIFUNCTION SCREEN DISPLAY
the driver to stop the vehicle to continue a Remark :When you are not engaged on a telephone
telephone conversation or to perform cer-After three errors in trying to enter the code, call, the display tells you if you have voice
tain actions (selecting a number manually, your telephone will be blocked. You will messages or text messages (SMS) incoming,
for example). then have to enter your deblocking code the length of connection since the last reset
(PUK code). to zero and the status of your telephone.
INSERTING AND REMOVING THE SIM The PUK code is supplied with your SIM During a telephone call, it tells you the time
CARD card by your service provider. The PUK code that has elapsed since the start of the call, as
Open the slot L by pressing with the point tolerates 10 successive errors. After this the well as the number (if this option and service
of a pencil, or similar, on the opening just SIM card will be un-usable.is available) or the name (if recorded in the
above it L’. Next, insert your SIM card into Remark :directory) of the person you are speaking
the aperture (as indicated on the card) then All the essential types of information asso-with, and the status of your telephone.
ciated with a “mobile telephone” can be
reclose the fl ap. viewed on the multifunction screen
Remarks :
You should only remove the SIM card
after NaviDrive has stopped (key in
position S (Steering lock) and the display
switched off.
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year of production from: 2002
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manual Citroen C3 I 1 owners manual
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