owners manual Citroen C3
owners manual Citroen C3 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Citroen C3 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C3, year of production 2002 - 2009:
A short press on one of the buttons M or NMITTERS (AUTOSTORE FUNCTION)
will tune into higher or lower radio stations In FM, if you keep pressing for more than
respectively, within the chosen waveband.two seconds on button R, your Navi-Drive
By keeping one of the buttons M or Nwill automatically memorise the 6 strongest
pressed, you can scroll continuously through transmitters on the FMast memory bank.
the waveband. The scrolling will stop at NaviDrive memorises the 6 strongest trans-
the fi rst station it fi nds once the button is mitters by deleting the 6 previously memo-
released. rised.
You can also do this by means of controls 2After the memorisation, NaviDrive goes
and 3 at the steering wheel.immediately to memory 1 of the FMast
If NaviDrive did not manage to capture a memory bank.
station on a frequency known to you (recep-Note :
tion very weak), you can perform a manual If the traffi c information function has been
search for this station. activated (see RDS SYSTEM), the stations
SEARCHING FOR A STATION IN A TUNING SENSITIVITY offering this facility will be memorised
SORTED LIST as priority.
Automatic searches can be carried out If it is unable to memorise any new sta-
To search for a station in a sorted list, your according to two levels of sensitivity :tions, the system will retain the previously
installation periodically updates the list of To capture the most powerful transmit-memorised stations.
the stations received around your vehicle. ters, choose the local search mode “LO”
It shows you what stations are available, (default option).If the system is unable to fi nd 6 stations,
the unfilled memory slots will remain
fi rst in alphabetical order, then by frequency To capture the weakest or most distant unchanged.
in ascending order if the names are not transmitters, choose the sensitive search
known. mode “DX”.
To access this list, give a short press on Search for a station is done fi rst in “LO”
button T. (local) sensitivity, then in “DX” (distant)
This list is updated automatically every 10 sensitivity.
minutes. To commence a search in sensitivity “DX”
You can update this list at any time, by giv-(distant) immediately , press twice in succes-
ing a long press on button T when the list is sion on one of the buttons M or N.
displayed on the multifunction screen.
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year of production from: 2002
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manual Citroen C3 I 1 owners manual
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