owners manual Citroen C3
owners manual Citroen C3 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Citroen C3 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C3, year of production 2002 - 2009:
NaviDrive Services,, ffoorr aacccceessss tttooo ttthhheee Note :
list of telematic services from CITROËN This transfer necessitates a callback (con-
(e.g. Customer Service, choice of a des-sult your telephone service operator.
tination, fuel consumption monitoring, For optimum operation of services, it is
sport, current affairs, fi nance, weather, recommended to insert the principal SIM
horoscope, travel, games, etc.) depending card into the NaviDrive.
on availability. If you have a special Service Contract,
Messages received, messages relating refer to the general conditions described in
to the benefi ts of your specifi c Service the contract.
Contract. A green diode flashes on the NaviDrive
EMERGENCY CALL control panel as soon as you commence the
emergency call procedure, then it comes on
IInn tthhheee aaabbbsseennccee ooff aa ssuubbssccrriippttiioonn tto the permanently when the call is picked up by
CITROËN Emergency service, the V but-the rescue services.
TEL 2 ton is configured for making calls to the The same warning lamp fl ashes or illuminates
number 112, this being a standard number permanently in orange should it detect a
THE SERVICES reserved by the European GSM network for malfunction in the telephone's emergency
This menu, depending on the contracts emergency calls. calls function.
subscribed to, allows you to choose one of For this call, a valid SIM card must be Remarks :
the following services : present, permitting the sending and receiv- If you have a specifi c Service contract, the
CITROËN on line,,, gggiiivvviinngg yyoouu ddiirreecctt ccoonn--ing of telephone calls and SMS messages. services can then be localised by means
tact with the CITROËN Customer Contact You also need to be in an area that has of GPS. You can check the activation of
Centre and access to the services on offer GSM coverage. this localisation with a long press on P
(such a call will be overridden if an emer- followed by selection of “Confi guration
gency or breakdown call is made. TWIN SIM CARD of services”. If the emergency services
CITROËNAssistance, giving you direct For better peace of mind, offers of twin SIM appear activated, you can then be local-
ccoonntttaaacccttt wwwiiitthh tthhee CCaallll CCeennttrree hhaannddlliinngg tthhee cards (available in some countries from ised. Otherwise, you are not localised.
CITROËN breakdown service, for the certain service operators) give you two SIM If the emergency services appear acti-
fastest possible recovery. cards for a standard price, a single number vated but you have not subscribed to a
You have a few seconds to cancel this and single messaging. Calls arrive as prior-Service contract and do not wish to be
call once it has been made. This call can ity on your principal line. In the absence of llooccaallliiissseeeddd,,, mmaakkee ccoontact with your usual
also be made by giving a long press on a reply, calls are transferred automatically CITROËN dealer.
button E. While making an assistance to the equipment that is using the second
call, it is impossible to make other calls SIM card.
apart from an emergency call. If you
have subscribed to a specifi c Services
contract, your GPS position is relayed to
the assistance centre.
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year of production from: 2002
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manual Citroen C3 I 1 owners manual
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