owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
(Speak Digits) B If a call back number does not exist, the systemThe system announces, “Transfer call. Call
Whenprompted by the system, say the numberannounces,“Thereisnonumbertocallback”andtransferred to privacy mode.” The system
youwishtocall. Refer to “Making a call by enter-ends the VR session.then ends the VR session.
ing a phone number”in this section for additionalDuring a callToreconnectthecallfromthecellularphone
details. During a call there are several command optionsto the Bluetooth® Hands-Free System,
“Special Number” C available. Press thebutton on the steeringpress thebutton.
● “Mute” — Use the Mute command to mute
For dialing more than 10 digits or any specialwheeltomutethereceivingvoiceandentercom-
characters, say “Special Number”. When themands.your voice so the other party cannot hear it.
● “Help” — The system announces the avail-Use the mute command again to unmute
systemacknowledgesthecommand,thesystem your voice.
will prompt you to speak the number.able commands.
“Redial” D ● “Cancel/Quit” — The system announcesNOTE:
“Cancel,” ends the VR session and returns
Usethe Redial command to call the last numberto the call.If a call is ended or the cellular phone
that was dialed. network connection is lost while the Mute
● “Send”—UsetheSendcommandtoenterfeatureison,theMutefeaturewillbereset
The system acknowledges the command, re-numbers, “*” or “#” during a call. For ex-to “off” for the next call so the other party
peats the number and begins dialing.ample, if you were directed to dial an exten-can hear your voice.
If a redial number does not exist, the systemsion by an automated system:
announces, “There is no number to redial” andSay: “Send one two three four.”
ends the VR session. The system acknowledges the command
“Call Back” E and sends the tones associated with the
UsetheCallBackcommandtodialthenumberofsion andreturnstothecall.Say“star”for“*”,
the last incoming call within the vehicle.Say “pound”for “#”.
The system acknowledges the command, re-● “Transfer call”— Use the Transfer Call com-
peats the number and begins dialing.mand to transfer the call from the
Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System to
the cellular phone when privacy is desired.
4-52 Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems

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year of production from: 2013

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