owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
NOTE: The connecting procedure of the cellular
phone varies according to each cellular
PHONE/END You must press thebutton within
Press thebutton to end a5 seconds to change the language.phone model. Refer to the cellular phone
call. Owner’s Manual for details.
TUNINGSWITCH 4. If you decidenottochangethelanguage,doWhen prompted for a Passkey code, enter
Push the tuning switch left or rightsession will end, and the language will not“1234”has been assigned by NISSAN and
to manually control the phonebe changed. cannot be changed.
system. Connecting procedure Making a call by entering a phone
The following procedures will help you getNOTE:
startedusingtheBluetooth®Hands-FreePhoneThe connecting procedure must be per-Main Menu
System. formedwhenthevehicleisstationary.Ifthe“Call” A
Choosing a language vehiclestartsmovingduringtheprocedure,“Phone Number” B
the procedure will be cancelled.
To change the language, perform the following. Speak the digits C
1. Press thebutton on the steering“Dial” D
1. Press and hold thebutton for morewheel. The system announces the available
than 5 seconds. commands. 1. Press thebutton on the steering
2. Press thebutton. wheel. A tone will sound.
2. Press thebutton again to connect2. Say: “Call” A . The system acknowledges
3. Thesystemannouncesthecurrentlanguagephone. If phone is already connected push
and gives you the option to change the lan-the tuning switch (or) to findthecommandandannouncesthenextsetof
guage.Toselectthecurrentlanguage,pressthe desired command.available commands.
3. Say “Phone Number” B . The system ac-
the PHONE/SEND () button. To se-3. The system acknowledges the command
lect a different language, push the tuning knowledges the command and announces
and announces the next set of availablethe next set of available commands.
switch (or ) left or right.commands. Then asks you to initiate con-Say: “Special Number”to dial more than 10
necting from the phone handset.digits or any special characters.
4-50 Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems

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year of production from: 2013

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Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual
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