owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
4. SaythenumberyouwishtocallstartingwithNOTE: “Call”
the area code in single digit format C .Ifthe
If you do not wish to take the call when youMain Menu
system has trouble recognizing the correcthear the ring tone, press thebutton
phone number, try entering the number inonthesteering wheel.“Call”
the following groups: 3-digit area code, (Speak name) A
3-digit prefix and the last 4-digits. For ex-For additional command options, refer to “List of
ample, 555-121-3354 can be said as “fivecommands”inthis section.“Phone Number”
five five” as the 1st group, then “one two (Speak Digits) B
one”asthe2ndgroup,and“threethreefive “Special Number” C
four”asthe3rdgroup.FordialingmorethanMain Menu
“Redial” D
10 digits or any special characters, say“Call”
“Special Number”. “Call Back” E
5. Whenyouhavefinishedspeakingthephone “Help”
number, the system repeats it back and an-“Recent Calls”
(Speak name) A
nounces the available commands. “Connect Phone”
“Help” If you have stored entries in the phonebook, you
6. Say: “Dial” D . The system acknowledges
can dial a number associated with a name.
the command and makes the call.Whenyoupressandreleasethebuttonon
For additional command options, refer to “List ofthe steering wheel, you can choose from theFor additional information, refer to “Phonebook”
commands”inthis section. commands on the Main Menu. The followingin this section.
Receiving a call pages describe these commands and the com-Whenpromptedbythesystem, say the name of
When you hear the ring tone, press theswitches to choose a command from the list.acknowledges the name.
button on the steering wheel.To browse the menu options, push the tuningIf there are multiple numbers associated with the
Oncethecallhasended,pressthebuttonswitch on the steering wheel left or right. Thename,thesystemasksyoutochoosethecorrect
on the steering wheel. system will always speak the current menu op-number.
tion. To select the current menu option, press
the button. To go back to the previousOnceyouhaveconfirmedthenameandlocation,
menu, press thebutton. the system begins the call.
Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems 4-51

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year of production from: 2013

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Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual
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