owners manual Ford Fiesta
owners manual Ford Fiesta - year of production: 2008 - Ford Fiesta VII 7 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Ford Fiesta, year of production 2008:
Customer Assistance
THE BETTER BUSINESS already taken to try to resolve them. A
BUREAU (BBB) AUTO LINE Customer Claim Form will be mailed that
PROGRAM (U.S. ONLY) will need to be completed, signed and
returned to the BBB along with proof of
ownership. Upon receipt, the BBB will
Your satisfaction is important to Ford review the claim for eligibility under the
Motor Company and to your dealer. If a Program Summary Guidelines.
warranty concern has not been resolved You can get more information by
using the three-step procedure outlined calling BBB AUTO LINE at
earlier in this chapter in the Getting the 1-800-955-5100, or writing to:
Services you need section, you may be BBB AUTO LINE
eligible to participate in the BBB AUTO 4200 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 800
LINE program. Arlington, Virginia 22203-1833
The BBB AUTO LINE program consists of BBB AUTO LINE applications can also be
two parts – mediation and arbitration. requested by calling the Ford Motor
During mediation, a representative of the Company Customer Relationship Center
BBB will contact both you and Ford Motor at 1-800-392-3673.
Company to explore options for settlement
of the claim. If an agreement is not reached Note:Ford Motor Company reserves the
during mediation or you do not want to right to change eligibility limitations, modify
participate in mediation, and if your claim procedures, or to discontinue this process
is eligible, you may participate in the at any time without notice and without
arbitration process. An arbitration hearing obligation.
will be scheduled so that you can present
your case in an informal setting before an UTILIZING THE
impartial person. The arbitrator will
consider the testimony provided and make MEDIATION/ARBITRATION
a decision after the hearing. PROGRAM (CANADA ONLY)
Disputes submitted to the BBB AUTO LINE
program are usually decided within forty For vehicles delivered to authorized
days after you file your claim with the BBB. Canadian dealers. In those cases where
You are not bound by the decision, and you continue to feel that the efforts by Ford
may reject the decision and proceed to of Canada and the authorized dealer to
court where all findings of the BBB Auto resolve a factory-related vehicle service
Line dispute, and decision, are admissible concern have been unsatisfactory, Ford of
in the court action. Should you choose to Canada participates in an impartial third
accept the BBB AUTO LINE decision, Ford party mediation/arbitration program
is then bound by the decision, and must administered by the Canadian Motor
comply with the decision within 30 days Vehicle Arbitration Plan (CAMVAP).
of receipt of your acceptance letter. The CAMVAP program is a straight forward
BBB AUTO LINE Application: Using the and relatively speedy alternative to resolve
information provided below, please call or a disagreement when all other efforts to
write to request a program application. produce a settlement have failed. This
You will be asked for your name and procedure is without cost to you and is
address, general information about your designed to eliminate the need for lengthy
new vehicle, information about your and expensive legal proceedings.
warranty concerns, and any steps you have
Fiesta (CCT)
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year of production from: 2008
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Ford Fiesta VII 7 owners manual
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