owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
Instruments and controls/Information display3-35
!X-modeindicator (if information display, the display willTheclockcanbesetto12-houror24-hour
equipped) automatically turn on when the batteryclock displays. Perform the following
This indicator will be shown while the X-voltage is disconnected and then re-procedure to switch the display format.
mode is activated. It will turn off when theconnected for battery replacement or1. Place the ignition switch in the
X-mode is deactivated. fuse replacement. “LOCK”/“OFF” position.
2. Press and hold the “−” button that is
! Turn off display of driving informa-&Clock located near the clock display for approxi-
tion display mately 5 seconds. The clock display will
The driving information display can beIfyourvehicleisequippedwiththe
genuine SUBARU navigation system, thethen start to flash.
turned off. clock of navigation system must be set3. While the clock display is flashing,
To turn off the display, turn the ignitionseparately. press and hold the “+” button for approxi-
switch to the “LOCK”/“OFF” position and mately 2 seconds. The clock format will
press the “+” button adjacent to the clock then change.
display for approximately 5 seconds. 4. The clock display will continue to flash
Then, the driving information display and for approximately 3 seconds to inform you
the clock display will blink for 3 seconds to that the clock display has been changed.
notify you that the driving information If you want to change the clock display
display has been turned off. again, press and hold the “+” button for
To restore the driving information display, approximately 2 seconds while the clock
once again press the “+” button for display is flashing.
approximately 5 seconds.
. The initial display setting of the
driving information display has been
set to operational at the time of ship-To adjust the time shown by the clock,
ment from the factory. press the “+” button or “−” button. If you
. The average fuel consumption andpress the “+” button, the indicated time will
average vehicle speed are calculatedchange in one-minute increments. If you
even while the driving information dis-press the “−” button, the indicated time will
play is not displayed. change in one-minute decrements. If you
keep the button pressed, the rate at which
. Evenifyouturnoffthedriving
the indicated time changes will speed up.

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year of production from: 2012

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Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual
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