owners manual Seat Alhambra
owners manual Seat Alhambra - year of production: 2010 - Seat Alhambra II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Alhambra, year of production 2010:
Driver assistance systems
The Auto Hold function automatically pre-Switching Auto Hold on and off manuallyAuto Hold turns off automatically under thes
vents the vehicle from rolling away acciden- following conditions:
Press the AUTO HOLD button ››› . The control
tally when at a standstill, without the driver
lamp on the button switches off when the Au- ific
Manual gearboxAutomatic gearbox
having to keep his/her foot on the brake ped-
to Hold function is switched off.
al. s
1. If one of the conditions mentioned in table on
page 157 changes.
When the system that detects that the vehi-Permanent Auto Hold connection
cle has stopped, the Auto Hold keeps the ve- ec
The Auto Hold function must be switched on2.If the engine is “not running regularly” or if there isT
hicle at a standstill. The brake pedal can be a malfunction.
every time the engine is started. However, to
switch the Auto Hold function on permanent-
3. When changing to idleIf the selector lever is
ly, the mark must be switched on in the Set-
If the driver presses the brake pedal briefly or speed. placed in neutral (N).
tings menu, “Autohold” submenu ››› page 47. e
the accelerator to start off, the Auto Hold
4. If the engine is turnedIf the engine is switch-
function releases the brake once more. The
off or stalls.ed off.
Auto Hold works automatically under the
vehicle moves according to the gradient.
following conditions: 5. If the driver acceleratesIf the vehicle is acceler-
If any of the conditions necessary for the Au-
while pressing theated.
to Hold function change while the vehicle
All points must be fulfilled simultaneouslyclutch in.
stopped, the system is turned off as is the in-
››› :
6. When one of the wheels
dicator on the button ››› Fig. 135. The elec-
has minimal contact
Manual gearboxAutomatic gearbox
tronic parking brake engages where necessa-
with the ground (e.g. on
ry to park the vehicle safely ››› .
uneven ground).ation
1. If the vehicle is stopped using the brake pedal on a
flat or slope.
Conditions for keeping the vehicle at a Oper
2. The engine must be “running smoothly”.
standstill with Auto Hold:
The Auto Hold technology is limited by the
●The driver door must be closed.3.On a slope, the 1st gearA gear for driving is se-
laws of physics. The improved comfort provi-
is engaged uphill or thelected from R, D or S.
●The driver seat belt must be buckled. ded by Auto Hold should never prompt you to
reverse gear is engaged
take risks.
●The engine must be running. for a downhill. The
clutch must be held ● Never leave the vehicle running and with
●The ASR system is switched on
the Auto Hold function switched on.
››› page 137.
● Auto Hold cannot always stop the vehicle
Upon accelerating andUpon accelerating, the
pressing in the clutchbrake releases gradual-uphill and downhill (e.g. if the ground is slip-
simultaneously, thely. pery or frozen).
brake releases gradual-
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year of production from: 2010
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Seat Alhambra II 2 owners manual
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