owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
FM-AM-SATELLITE RADIO WITH ON⋅OFF/Volume control: between the front and rear speakers and Bal-
CASSETTE PLAYER AND Turn the ignition key to ACC or ON, and thenance adjusts the sound between the right and
push the ON⋅OFF/VOL control knobwhile the
CHANGER system is off to call up the mode (radio, tape orTo change the NR (Dolby) mode to OFF or ON,
Satellite radio reception capability is not func-CD) which was playing immediately before thepush the TUNE (or) button while
tional, and “NO SAT” will be displayed duringsystem was turned off. When no CD or tape iscassette tape is playing. When Dolby is ON, the
scrolling of modes, unless optional satellite re-loaded, the radio will come on. While the systemdisplay indicates themark.
ceiver and antenna were factory installed prior tois on, pushing the ON⋅OFF/VOL control knobAfter 10 seconds, the radio or cassette tape
purchase (retrofit unavailable), and an XMorturns the system off.display reappears. Once the sound quality is set
SIRIUSTM satellite radio service subscription isTo turn the radio off, push the ON⋅OFF/VOLto the desired level, push the AUDIO button
active. control knob. repeatedly until the radio or cassette tape dis-
Audio main operation Turn the ON⋅OFF/VOL control knobto adjust play appears.
Head unit the volume. Dolby noise reduction manufactured under li-
AUDIO button (BASS, TREBLE, FADER,cense from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Cor-
The radio has an FM diversity reception system,BALANCEandNR(Dolby)):poration. Dolby NR and the double-D symbol
whichemploystwoantennasprintedonthefront are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Li-
windshield. This system automatically switchesPush the AUDIO button to change the selectingcensing Corporation.
to the antenna which is receiving less interfer-mode as follows.Metal or chrome tape usage:
The tape deck employs a permalloy head whichNR(when cassette playing) → BASSThe cassette player will be automatically set to
allows for improved reproduction of high fre- high performance play when playing a metal or
quency ranges. Noise is also greatly reduced byTo adjust BASS, TREBLE, FADER and BAL-chrome cassette tape.
the combined use of the Dolby NR (NoiseANCE,pushtheAUDIObuttonuntil the desiredFM-AM-SAT radio operation
Reduction) system. The auto loudness circuitmode BASS, TREBLE, FADER or BALANCE
enhances the low frequency range automaticallyappears in the display. Push the TUNERADIO FM/AM/SAT mode select:
in both radio reception and tape and CD play-(or) button to adjust Bass andPushing the RADIO mode select button will
back. Treble to the desired level. Use the TUNEchange the mode as follows:
( or ) button also to adjust Fader or
Balance modes. Fader adjusts the sound levelAM→FM1→FM2→SAT1→SAT2→AM
Heater, air conditioner and audio systems 4-23

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year of production from: 1996

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