owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
nuts alternately and evenly until they areThewheelnutsmustbekepttightenedto
tight. specifications at all times. It is recom-
4. Lower the vehicle slowly until the tiremended that wheel nuts be tightened to
touchestheground.Then,withthewheelspecification at each lubrication interval.
nut wrench, tighten the wheel nuts se-Adjust tire pressure to the COLD
curely in the sequence as illustrated.pressure.
Lower the vehicle completely. COLDpressure:
WARNING After vehicle has been parked for three
● Incorrect wheel nuts or improperlyhours or more or driven less than 1 mile
tightened wheel nuts can cause the(1.6 km).
wheel to become loose or come off.COLD tire pressures are shown on the
WCE0007 This could cause an accident. tire placard affixed to the driver’s door
Installing the spare tire ● Donotuseoilorgreaseonthewheel center pillar.
studs or nuts. This could cause the5. With the spare tire installed on the vehicle,
The TEMPORARY USE ONLY spare tire nuts to become loose. place the damaged tire in the spare tire
is designed for emergency use. See spe-● Retighten the wheel nuts when thestorage area. Put the jack rod and wheel
cificinstructions under the heading nut wrench in the tool bag and place the
‘‘Wheels and tires’’ in the ‘‘Maintenancevehiclehasbeendrivenfor600miles tool bag in the spare tire storage area.
and do-it- yourself’’ section of this own-(1,000 km) (also in cases of flat tire,6. Place the spare tire cover and the trunk
er’s manual. etc.). floor carpeting over the damaged tire.
1. Clean any mud or dirt from the surfaceAs soon as possible, tighten the wheel
between the wheel and hub. nutstothespecifiedtorquewithatorque
2. Carefully put the spare tire on and tightenwrench.
the wheel nuts finger tight. Wheel nut tightening torque:
3. With the wheel nut wrench, tighten wheel80 ft-lb (108 Nzm)
In case of emergency 6-7

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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