owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
After loading the disc, the number of tracks onFF (Fast Forward), REWno mark: All the programs will be played repeat-
the disc and the play time will appear on the(Rewind):edly in sequence.
display. Whenthe (fast forward) or(rewind)1: Only one program (the one being played
If the radio or tape is already operating, it willbutton is pushed while the compact disc iswhen the PROG button is pushed) will be
automatically turn off and the compact disc willbeing played, the compact disc will play whilerepeated.
play. fast forwarding or rewinding. When the button isRANDOM: Programs will be played at random,
released, the compact disc will return to normalnot following the sequence on the compact disc.
CAUTION play speed. The same program may be repeated twice.
APS(Automatic ProgramWhen the compact disc is ejected, the
Do not force the compact disc into theSearch) FF, APS REW:play pattern will automatically change to
slot. This could damage the player.When the(APS FF) button is pushedno mark.
while the compact disc is being played, theCDEJECT:
Ifthe system has been turned off while theprogram next to the present one will start to playWhenthe CD EJECT button is pushed with the
compact disc was playing, pushing thefrom its beginning. Push several times to skipcompact disc loaded, the compact disc will be
through programs. The compact disc will ad-
ON⋅OFF/VOL control knobwill start the com- ejected.
pact disc. vance the number of times the button is pushed.
8 cm diameter compact discs can also be used(When the last program on the compact disc isWhenthe button is pushed twice consecutively
without an adapter. skipped through, the first program will bethe compact disc will be ejected further than
played.) When the(APS REW) button iswhen pushed once.
PLAY: pushed, the program being played returns to itsWhen this button is pushed while the compact
When the CD/CHG button is pushed with thebeginning. Push several times to skip backdisc is being played, the compact disc will come
system off and the compact disc loaded, thethrough programs. The compact disc will goout and the system will turn off.
system will turn on and the compact disc willback the number of times the button is pushed.If the compact disc comes out and is not
start to play. PROG(Program): removed,itwillbepulledbackintotheslot
When the CD/CHG button is pushed with theWhen the PROG button is pushed while theto protect it. (without 8 cm diameter com-
compact disc loaded but the tape or the radiocompact disc is being played, the play patternpact discs)
playing, the tape or radio will automatically bewill change as follows:
turned off and the compact disc will start to play.
4-20 Heater, air conditioner and audio systems

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year of production from: 1996

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